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  1. Specify Option U (Update) for volume MF0001.

    Figure 28 List Showing Volume Update Panel

DATABASE LIST < V / V  > --------------------------------------------------(TI)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


U MF0001                       12/12/00             0006          Active      

    D.MF1#1                                            0001        Active      

    D.MF1#2                                            0002        Active      

    D.MF1#3                                            0003        Active      

====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   NO MORE ENTRIES IN THE LIST     <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

The Volume Update panel is displayed.

VOLUME UPDATE PANEL                          (TI.UV)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


¼ VOLSER       MF0001                             STATUS      Act-Out         

     ¼ GENERAL INFORMATION:                                                     

     ¼ SL-NAME      MF0001                             OWNER       N74         

     ¼ MEDIA TYPE   3490                               MEDIA DESC  CARTRIDGE   

     ¼ DESCRIPTION  CARTRIDGE                          VENDOR NAME IBM         

     ¼ STK GROUP                                                               

     ¼ RETENTION & LOCATION INFORMATION:                                       

     ¼ RETENTION    DATE         121200                RET-DATASET 001         

     ¼ LOCATION     MAINLIB                            MOVE DATE   090900      

     ¼ CHECKIN DATE 080800                             RETURN DATE            

     ¼ TAPE LIBRARY                                                            

     ¼ USAGE INFORMATION:                                                      

     ¼ ACTIVE DS#   0006                               LAST LABEL  0006        

     ¼ CAPACITY USD 00000 (MB) 000%                    EXCP COUNT  00000      

     ¼ DATA UNCOMP  00000 (MB)                                                

¼ LAST ACCESS  080800                             BY JOB      JOB5            

     ¼ CLEAN COUNT  00000                              CLEAN DATE              

     ¼ USER INFORMATION:                                                      

     ¼ USER FIELD                                                              

  1. Correct the value in fields ACTIVE DS# and LAST LABEL and return to the data set list.
  2. Press (PF03/PF15) to save the update and to exit the Volume Update panel.

    A confirmation window is displayed. Note that 006 is still specified for the FILES field.

    Figure 29 Volume Update Confirmation Window

DATABASE LIST < V / V  > --------------------------------------------------(TI)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

O VOLSER    VOLS        +-----------------------+  FILES LOCATION ---STATUS----

U MF0001         <----- |   CONFIRM Y   (Y/N)   |   0006          Active      

    D.MF1#1              +-----------------------+     0001        Active      

    D.MF1#2                                            0002        Active      

    D.MF1#3                                            0003        Active      

====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   NO MORE ENTRIES IN THE LIST     <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

  1. Enter Y to confirm the change.

    After confirmation, the FILES specification is updated.

    Figure 30 Files Specification Update Window

DATABASE LIST < V / V  > --------------------------------------------------(TI)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


   MF0001           3490        12/12/00             0003          Act-Out     

    D.MF1#1                                            0001        Active      

    D.MF1#2                                            0002        Active      

    D.MF1#3                                            0003        Active      

====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   NO MORE ENTRIES IN THE LIST     <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

Parent Topic

Problem 5 – Incorrect Number of Active Data Sets on a Volume