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Distribution Report

The Distribution report is produced by the Vault Management facility (the CTTVTM utility). This report describes all volume movements between the active library (MAINLIB) and an external library, and between different external libraries.

The Distribution report lists all volumes that should be moved to a new location or assigned a new slot number. The CTTVTM utility checks each volume record’s vault specifications in the Media Database and determines which volumes should be moved to a new location according to their vault patterns. The current vault location in the volume record is updated and the new location for the volume is listed in the Distribution report. The information in the Control-M/Tape distribution report should contain the same information as the equivalent report produced by the existing tape management system.

An inconsistency in a global definition (for example, default retention) may be responsible for a large number of inconsistencies. Therefore, fixing global parameter settings should be given a high priority.

You can determine if a problem is due to a global definition by comparing vaulting patterns of a volume that was treated differently by Control-M/Tape and the other tape management system.

If the vaulting patterns are the same, the problem could be due to a global definition. In this case, verify that the following installation parameters have been properly defined:

Parent Topic

Monitor Tape Management Reports