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Resolving Retention Discrepancies

The following table describes sample discrepancies that may be discovered when comparing Scratch reports of Control-M/Tape and the other tape management system:

Table 5 Retention Discrepancies and Resolutions


Probable Causes


A data set was expired in Control-M/Tape but not in the other tape management system.

The data set has a retention rule in the other tape management systems but not in Control-M/Tape.

Control-M/Tape retention defaulted to the value of the DEFEXPDT parameter in the CTTPARM member.

A retention rule may have been created in the other tape management system after conversion.

Reconvert retention rules or define a Control-M/Tape rule that specifies the same retention as defined for this data set in the other tape management system.

A data set was expired in both tape management systems but on different days.

No retention was defined for this data set in either tape management systems and Control-M/Tape default retention (the DEFEXPDT parameter) is not equal to the default retention setting of the other tape management system.

Specify the appropriate value for the DEFEXPDT parameter in the CTTPARM member.


The specification for when retention is updated in Control-M/Tape (the RTNUPD parameter) is not compatible with the behavior of the other tape management system.

Specify a value for RTNUPD that is consistent with the setting in the other tape management system.

A data set created by an EDM was automatically expired in Control-M/Tape before the EDM expired it.

Control-M/Tape does not recognize this data set as an EDM data set, because there is no rule defined in Control-M/Tape that specifies the DO RETENTION=EDM statement for this data set.

Adjust Control-M/Tape rules accordingly.

Data set retention was set to CYCLE 003 but five cycles exist and none of them have been expired.

The CYCLECNT parameter was not set to NONE in the CTTPARM member.

Set CYCLECNT to NONE in the CTTPARM member.

A data set with cyclic retention did not expire or expired sooner than expected.

The PREFIX subparameter in the DO RETENTION=CYCLE statement of the rule for this data set is inconsistent with the relevant setting of the other tape management system.

Specify the correct value for the PREFIX subparameter.

A data set with CATALOG controlled retention was expired by the existing tape management system but not by Control-M/Tape.

The value specified for the CTLGWAIT parameter is not consistent with the existing tape management system.

Specify the correct setting for the   CTLGWAIT installation parameter in the CTTPARM member.

Multiple data sets (with DATE or DAYS retention) are expired by Control-M/Tape one day earlier than by the other tape management system.

The value specified for the EXPDTYPE parameter is not consistent with the existing tape management system.

If the existing tape management system is CA-TLMS, make sure that EXPDTYPE is set to TLMS in the CTTPARM member. For all other tape management systems, set EXPDTYPE to CA1.

Data sets stored on multi-file volumes were scratched by Control-M/Tape before they were scratched by the other tape management system.

The RTNTYPE parameter may have been set to DSN. As a result, Control-M/Tape expires each data set on the volume according to its own retention criteria.

This setting is not compatible with other tape management systems.

Set RTNTYPE to VOL in the CTTPARM member.

A data set was expired in the other tape management system but was not expired in Control-M/Tape.


The volume is marked as "VAULTED" in Control-M/Tape.

Control-M/Tape only expires a data set if it is stored on a volume in MAINLIB (meaning, the active library). If the volume was vaulted when the data set expired, the other tape management system may have scratched the data set. (Control-M/Tape expires the volume only when it is returned to MAINLIB.)

Check the retention period and vaulting pattern of the data set. Modify the Control-M/Tape rule definition for this data set so that the retention period is not less than the vault retention period.

Data sets to be returned to the active library today were expired by the other tape management system, but not by Control-M/Tape.

Retention management was performed before vault management in Control-M/Tape and in the opposite order by the other tape management system.

Modify the Control-M/Tape New Day procedure to ensure that Control-M/Tape and the other tape management system perform these functions in the same order.

Parent Topic

Monitor Tape Management Reports