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Installation Parameter Considerations

The CTTPARM member in the IOA PARM library contains Control-M/Tape installation parameters. These parameters are defined during installation of Control-M/Tape.

Before implementing Control-M/Tape in Global Test mode, make sure that Control-M/Tape installation parameter settings are compatible with the existing tape management system and with the environment in which Control-M/Tape is to be implemented.

Adjust the parameters in a way that does not affect your production environment.

Adjust the parameters in a way that is compatible with the existing tape management system. Do not implement features that do not exist in the other tape management system. Doing so may prevent synchronization of Control-M/Tape with the other tape management system.

Note: Installation parameters are managed through the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation and Customization Engine (ICE). To edit these parameters, use Major Step 2 of Control-M/Tape installation. For more information about how to change parameters through ICE, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

Make sure that the following CTTPARM parameters are set appropriately before activating Control-M/Tape in Global Test mode. These parameters are grouped by function in the CTTPARM member, but are listed below in alphabetical order for easier reference.

Note: Only information of special significance to Global Test mode is provided below. For more information about each of these parameters, see the Control-M/Tape chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

Table 4 CTTPARM Parameters




Determines the handling of BLP (Bypass Label Processing) requests. Make sure that this parameter is compatible with your existing tape management system. Appropriate values are:



Determines the number of wait days before Control-M/Tape utilities CTTRTM and CTTVTM check for catalog-controlled retention data sets. Ensure that the value specified for this parameter is compatible with your existing tape management system.

This parameter is especially relevant if there are data sets at your site whose creation spans more than one day and whose retention is based on their existence in an MVS Catalog.


Determines if Control-M/Tape should relate to data sets with the same name, creation date, and jobname, as different generations of the same data set, or as different data sets cycles. Set this parameter to NONE during Global Test mode (meaning, Control-M/Tape handles data sets with the same data set name as separate generations of the same data set).



Specifies the default normal retention period. Make sure that this parameter is compatible with your existing tape management system.

Note: The rule definition that serves as the default for all retention attributes ($DEFAULT) overrides the DEFEXPDT parameter if Y (Yes) is specified for the OVERJCL parameter, described below.


Determines whether to dynamically add a data set to the Control-M/Tape Media Database, if it is not already registered. For Global Test mode it is recommended that you specify a value of Y (Yes) for this parameter.


Determines whether the Control-M/Tape Dynamic Data Set Stacking facility is activated. If the Dynamic Data Set Stacking facility is to be activated while Control-M/Tape is running in Global Test mode, specify Y (Yes) for this parameter. For more information, see the STKTEST parameter in this table.


Determines whether to dynamically add a volume to the Control-M/Tape Media Database, if it is not already registered. BMC recommends that you set DYNVOL to (I,I) (ignore undefined tapes) while in Global Test mode. This ensures that Control-M/Tape operates in a way that is compatible with your existing tape management system.


Name of the DD statement that, when added to the JCL, indicates that special JCL EXPDT keywords should be interpreted as normal dates. Use this parameter when converting from CA-1 or CA-TLMS. Make sure that the value specified is the same as the relevant DD name in the existing tape management system. (For how to handle special JCL EXPDT keywords, see also the EXPDTYPE parameter in this table.)



Specifies the name of the product with which you want Control-M/Tape to be compatible for interpretation of special JCL EXPDT keywords. Make sure you specify the existing tape management system.

Note: If you want to use special keywords, specify CA-1 for this parameter even if you are not converting from CA-1.

For a list of valid EXPDT/RETPD keywords, see the organization and administration chapter of the Control-M/Tape User Guide.


Specifies the Media Database utilization threshold that triggers a notice to the user that the Media Database is becoming full. When the Media Database becomes full, Control-M/Tape stops all processing so that the Media Database can be expanded.

It is recommended that you set this parameter no higher than 85%, so that a warning is issued well in advance of Control-M/Tape shutdown.


Control-M/Tape operation mode. To indicate that Control-M/Tape should operate in Global Test mode set MODET to TEST.


Determines whether the user should be asked for a confirmation of specific requests for NL/BLP (No Label/Bypass Label Processing) tapes. In Global Test mode, the expression NLASKOP=Y is treated the same way as the expression NLASKOP=N. If you want confirmation messages to be issued during Global Test mode, specify A for this parameter. It is recommended that you specify N for this parameter for operation in Global Test mode.


Determines whether Control-M/Tape rule definitions override expiration dates set by MVS retention attributes (for example, EXPDT). In Global Test mode, it is recommended that you set this parameter to Y (Yes) to expose inconsistencies between rule definitions and JCL.

If there are situations in which you want to use the JCL specifications, use a DO RETENTION statement in the rule definition to allow the JCL expiration date to be considered for the relevant data sets.


DO RETENTION=DAYS       0030          And/Or A

               JCL EXPDT                         And/Or


Specifies the automated tape libraries to be used. In Global Test mode, Control-M/Tape does not issue any commands to the automated tape libraries at the site. However, a record of automated tape library commands that would have been issued (in Phased or Production mode) is produced as part of the output of the Control-M/Tape New Day procedure (CTTDAY).


Determines whether retention is performed on a data set level or on a volume level, or on a multi-volume group. The parameter statement includes two options separated by a comma. The first option is the retention type for a single volume. The second option is the retention type for a multi-volume group.

Valid values for a single volume are:

  • DSN   - Each data set expires according to its own specified expiration date. That is, the data set becomes scratched regardless of the volume.
  • VOL   - All files of a multifile volume expire at the same time (meaning, when the last one expires). This is compatible with other tape management retention methods. Default.

Valid values for a multi-volume group are:

  • DSN   - - Each data set expires according to its own specified expiration date. That is, the data set becomes scratched regardless of the multi-volume group.
  • GROUP - All files of a multi-volume group expire at the same time (meaning, when the last one expires). This is compatible with other tape management retention methods. Default.

Note: A volume becomes SCRATCH by the CTTRTM utility only after all its data sets have expired. The CTTRTM utility ignore the retention of the volume except for external volumes, or volumes without any datasets.


Determines in what situations retention should be updated in the Media Database. Make sure that this parameter is compatible with your existing tape management system.



Determines whether the Control-M/Tape Dynamic Data Set Stacking facility is activated while in Global Test mode. If you choose to run stacking in TEST mode, specify Y for this parameter and specify Y for the DYNSTK parameter. This parameter is ignored if DYNSTK is set to N.

If STKTEST is set to Y, Control-M/Tape intervenes in decisions of the existing tape management system regarding where (meaning, on which volumes) data sets are written.

Before activating the Dynamic Data Set Stacking facility in Global Test mode, review the description of this facility inDynamic Data Set Stacking.

Note: Dynamic Data Set Stacking should only be tested on a new pool that is not managed by the existing tape management system.



Specifies the Trace file utilization threshold that triggers a notice to the user that the Trace file is becoming full. The recommended threshold is 80%.

Note: To clean the Trace file for reuse, back up the Trace file and the Media Database, as described in the New Day Procedure topic in Control-M/Tape chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. This procedure does not require Control-M/Tape to stop processing.


Specifies if the vaulting pattern of a volume is determined by the first data set of the volume (Y), or by the first data set containing vaulting data (N). Make sure that this parameter is compatible with your existing tape management system.


Determines the handling of JCL keyword EXPDT=98000 when specified on an output request for a volume in the Media Database. (EXPDT=98000 instructs Control-M/Tape to bypass the tape request.) In Global Test mode, X98ASKOP=P is treated as X98ASKOP=F (that is, Control-M/Tape does not allow operator confirmations so as not to affect the production environment).

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