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Steps for Preparing a Page Marker

To make page marking only for a specific banner (for example, the user Start/End banner), you must perform the following steps:

  1. Define a logical overlay using OGL Language. The overlay must contain the specific shape for the page marker.
  2. Assume that the overlay name is OVMRK. That name is defined in the OGL definition. You need to define (using PMF or PPFA) a FORMDEF containing the overlay name.
  3. Define a FORMDEF (for example, BANFRM) that includes two Copy Groups. The first Copy Group (for example, NOMRK) is the default Copy Group. The second Copy Group (for example, OVMRK) includes the OGL overlay.
  4. In the OUTPARMS library, a special member called $$BANCHR must be created (if it does not already exist). For example, suppose the user wants to mark the user banner of a specific printing mission (for example, STD), a mask (for example, PRT*), or all printing missions (for example, *). This example is for all printing missions of that user. In the first column write the following:

    +++*  (for all printing missions)

  5. Add an OUTPUT statement in the CTDPRINT, named BANUSR (as specified in the $$BANCHR). This OUTPUT statement must include the FORMDEF parameter that was defined previously as BANFRM. The OUTPUT statement card name can be any name you choose, as long as the name is equivalent in the OUTPUT parameter and in the CTDPRINT procedure.
  6. If the page marking appears on the beginning of the user banner ($$USERST – banner page member) or the end of the user banner ($$USEREN – banner page member), you must add an IMM AFP structure field command to the appropriate member. This command enables you to change the current active Copy Group. In other words, write from the first column the IMM structure field AFP command (in hex code) in the banner member that you want the overlay (page marker) to appear (the last 8 bytes represent the Copy Group name with the overlay):


    More information about the different types of banner page members can be found in the Control-D and Control-V chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. The members are located in the library allocated to DD statement DABANNER of CTDPRINT.

  7. Check if the DD statement named DAOUTPUT exists in the CTDPRINT procedure and that the OUTPARMS library is allocated to that statement.
  8. Check if the correct value was assigned to the parameters in the CTDX003. For additional information refer to the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide. The value of the BANNER parameter must be NO. The OUTPARM parameter value is determined by the way you work with the OUTPARMS library. The Control-D OUTPARMS library is used with this option. Each member in this library refers to a job name (for example, the member name is the job name), or each member refers to a user id (for example, the member name is the recipient name). Please note that all member names must refer either to job names or to user ids – the two cannot be mixed. Either way, the OUTPARM parameter must be specified with one of these values.
  9. Do not set the CHUNKSIZE parameter to 0 in conjunction with the use of OUTPARM in banner pages. This can cause the banner and the report to be printed with the same characteristics (for example, same FORMDEF).
  10. Now all banners, other than the user banner, are printed according to the default without any page marking (with the first Copy Group NOMRK). Then when a user banner, that must have a different page marking, is about to print, the IMM AFP command changes the Copy Group to that specific banner only.

Parent Topic

Marking User Bundles