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Continuous Forms Printers

There are two types of AFP continuous forms printers:

The 3800 printers cannot print on the page perforation. This is a hardware limitation. The only way to initiate a page mark on the page perforation is using PSF services. A sample PSF exit (PSF Exit 4) that initiates a box on the perforation of the page is supplied with Control-D. By specifying a special string within a banner, the box does or does not appear. In general, all pages of one user bundle are printed with the box appearing on the page perforation, and all pages of the next user bundle are printed without the box on the page perforation. In this way, it is easy to differentiate between user bundles. For a detailed description of how to use this option, refer to member DOCDPAGM in the IOA DOC library.

For all continuous forms printers that support MFCS, this is the recommended method. All other AFP continuous forms printers can use the same method as the cut sheet printers (but not the special stationary method). AFP printers (except the 3800) do not have the limitation of printing on the page perforation. As a result, most of the methods described for cut sheet printers can also be used for these printers.

When choosing to print the page mark on the page perforation, especially for continuous forms printers, JES must be prevented from printing the regular JES page marking. It is confusing to have two different types of page marking on one bundle. To achieve the suppression of the regular JES page marking, a standard JES operator command to the printer can be used. Following is an example of the JES2 printer operator command that is required to suppress JES2 page marking:


The following JES3 printer operator command suppresses JES3 page marking (applies to the ESA version of JES3 and all subsequent releases):

*S devname,MK=N,COPYMARK=N ("*" is the JES3 command prefix)

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Marking User Bundles