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Using Quick Access Panels

Before learning how to use the Quick Access panels for this report, examine the report’s index structure and hierarchies, as illustrated below:

Figure 156 Index Structure and Hierarchies of Example Report

       WAREHOUSE                     ITEM-DESC

               /       \                                       |

            /             \                                    |

          /                  \                                 |


WAREHOUSE is a main index, for which there are subindexes to ITEM-NUM (item number) and ITEM-DESC (item description). Thus, for any warehouse, you can link to any item in that warehouse by its number or description.

ITEM-DESC is also a main index for which the subindex is WAREHOUSE. Thus for any named item (that is, item description) you can link to the warehouses that contain that item.

The Quick Access panel displays a main index and beneath it one of its subindexes.

  1. Type Q (Quick Access) in the OPTION field to the left of the INVENTORY report and press Enter to display the first Quick Access panel.

    Figure 157 Quick Access Panel

    --------------------------  CONTROL-V QUICK ACCESS  ----------------------(U.Q)

    COMMAND ===>                                                 USER ===> M21   



    REPORT NAME:  INVENTORY REPORT                                                

    JOB NAME:     JDEMO                                                           

    DATE:         05/05/00                                                        


       INDEX                    VALUE    (PLEASE FILL IN ALL KNOWN VALUES)        


       WAREHOUSE            -                                                     


       ITEM-NUM             -                                                     











    CMDS: END , ENTER , NEXT , PREV , PRINT , RETURN , SHPF                12.39.24

    This Quick Access Panel contains the WAREHOUSE => ITEM-NUM index path, where WAREHOUSE is the main index. This panel can be used to view report pages containing the parts that are stored in the specified warehouses and whose item number matches the value or prefix specified in the ITEM-NUM field.

    Because there can be several main indexes for this report, each with its own subindex, you can use the NEXT command to display the next main and subindex combination in the next Quick Access panel (or the PREV command to move to the previous combination in the previous panel).

  2. Type NEXT in the COMMAND line and press Enter, or press PF11/PF23, to display the next Quick Access panel.

    Figure 158 NEXT Quick Access Panel (1)

    --------------------------  CONTROL-V QUICK ACCESS  ----------------------(U.Q)

    COMMAND ===>                                                 USER ===> M21   



    REPORT NAME:  INVENTORY REPORT                                                

    JOB NAME:     M21                                                            

    DATE:         05/05/00                                                        


       INDEX                    VALUE    (PLEASE FILL IN ALL KNOWN VALUES)        


       WAREHOUSE            -                                                     


       ITEM-DESC            -                                                     











    CMDS: END , ENTER , NEXT , PREV , PRINT , RETURN , SHPF                12.46.31

    This Quick Access panel contains the WAREHOUSE => ITEM-DESC index path. This panel can be used to view report pages containing the parts that are stored in a warehouse that matches the value or prefix specified in the WAREHOUSE field and whose description matches the ITEM-DESC field.

  3. Repeat the previous operation to display the next Quick Access panel.

    Figure 159 NEXT Quick Access Panel (2)

    --------------------------  CONTROL-V QUICK ACCESS  ----------------------(U.Q)

    COMMAND ===>                                                 USER ===> M21   



    REPORT NAME:  INVENTORY REPORT                                                

    JOB NAME:     JDEMO                                                           

    DATE:         05/05/00                                                        


        INDEX                    VALUE    (PLEASE FILL IN ALL KNOWN VALUES)        


        ITEM-DESC            -                                                     


        WAREHOUSE            -                                                     











    CMDS: END , ENTER , NEXT , PREV , PRINT , RETURN , SHPF                12.49.47

    This Quick Access panel contains the ITEM-DESC => WAREHOUSE index path. This panel can be used to view report pages containing the parts whose description matches the value or prefix specified in the ITEM-DESC field and that are stored in the specified warehouse.

  4. Repeat the previous operation again.

    The same Quick Access panel remains displayed, but the following message


    is displayed at the top of the panel. This means that the panel containing index path ITEM-DESC=> WAREHOUSE is the last Quick Access panel for this report.

    Figure 160 NO NEXT INDEX Message

    CTVG45E THERE IS NO NEXT INDEX     -V QUICK ACCESS  ----------------------(U.Q)

    COMMAND ===>                                                 USER ===> N44   



    REPORT NAME:  INVENTORY REPORT                                                

    JOB NAME:     JDEMO                                                           

    DATE:         05/05/00                                                        



        INDEX                    VALUE    (PLEASE FILL IN ALL KNOWN VALUES)        


        ITEM-DESC            -


        WAREHOUSE            -                                                     


    This panel contains the index path you are going to use to once again locate the two occurrences of RIVET D. 0.5 BCR.

  5. Type the value RIVET for the ITEM-DESC index and press Enter to display the following Values of Index panel:

    Figure 161 Values of Index Panel before Item Selected

    VALUES OF INDEX: ITEM-DESC                                              (U.Q.X)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    O VALUE                                                                       

       RIVET D. O.5 BCR                                                            

       RIVET D. 0.1 ACP                                                            

       RIVET D. 0.1 ACR                                                            

       RIVET D. 0.1 BCR                                                            

       RIVET D. 0.5 ACR                                                            

       RIVET D. 0.7 ACR                                                            

       RIVET D. 0.7 BCR                                                            

       RUBBER O RING                                                               

       RUBBER RING D. 2.2                                                         

       RUBBER RING D. 2.7                                                         


       WASHER D. 0.1                                                               

       WASHER D. 0.5                                                               

       WASHER D. 0.7                                                               

       WING TIP - LEFT                                                            

       WING TIP - RIGHT                                                            

    ======== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE VALUES FOR THIS INDEX <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ========


    USE S TO SELECT A VALUE AND PRESS PF3 TO RETURN                        15.18.38

  6. Enter S (Select) in the OPTION field to the left of RIVET D. O.5 BCR and press PF03/PF15.

    The Quick Access Panel that now contains the selected index value, RIVET D. O.5 BCR, is displayed.

    Figure 162 Values of Index Panel Showing Selected Item

    --------------------------  CONTROL-V QUICK ACCESS  ----------------------(U.Q)

    COMMAND ===>                                                 USER ===> N44   



    REPORT NAME:  INVENTORY REPORT                                                

    JOB NAME:     JDEMO                                                           

    DATE:         05/05/00                                                        



        INDEX                    VALUE    (PLEASE FILL IN ALL KNOWN VALUES)        


        ITEM-DESC            - RIVET D. O.5 BCR                                    


        WAREHOUSE            -                                                     




    CMDS: END , ENTER , NEXT , PREV , PRINT , RETURN , SHPF                11.24.16

  7. Press Enter to display INVENTORY REPORT data beginning with the first page that contains item RIVET D. O.5 BCR.

    As before, the first occurrence is in Warehouse 1002. This item is highlighted wherever it occurs in the report.

  8. Press PF08/PF20 to find the other occurrence in Warehouse 1003.
  9. Press PF03/PF15 three times to return to the User Reports entry panel.
  10. Press PF03/PF15 again to return to the IOA Primary Option menu.

Parent Topic

Using Index Values to Select Active Report Pages