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Displaying the Values of Index Panel

Assume that you are interested in a specific item (RIVET D. 0.5 BCR), and want to retrieve only those report pages that contain that item. You must therefore select the ITEM-DESC main index and display its values.

  1. In the Index window, enter S in the OPTION field (the entry column under the O) to the left of ITEM-DESC.
  2. Press Enter to display the Values of Index panel for the ITEM-DESC index.

    Figure 152 ITEM-DESC Index Values of Index Panel

    VALUES OF INDEX: ITEM-DESC                                              (U.S.X)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    O VALUE                                                # OF SECTIONS         

       ALUMINUM BAR 1"                                            00000003         

       ALUMINUM BAR 2.5"                                          00000003         

       ALUMINUM BAR 2"                                            00000003         

       ALUMINUM BAR 7"                                            00000003         

       ANTI STATIC WICK                                           00000002         

       BOLT 1/16                                                  00000003         

       BOLT 1/32                                                  00000003         

       BOLT 1/8                                                   00000003         

       BOLT 5/32                                                  00000003         

       COLISION LIGHT L.                                          00000002         

       COLISION LIGHT R.                                          00000002         

       ELECT. BOX ACF-RL                                          00000001         

       ELECT. BOX ACF-R2                                          00000001         

       ELECT. BOX WCF-LL                                          00000002         

       ELECT. BOX WCF-RL                                          00000002         

       ELECT. BUNDL EL/1A                                         00000003         

       ELECT. BUNDL EL/2A                                         00000003         

       ELECT. BUNDL EL/3A                                         00000003         

       ELECT. BUNDL EL/5A                                         00000003         

       ELECT. BUNDL EL/7A                                         00000003         

    OPTIONS:    V -VIEW    P -PRINT   X -SUBINDEXES                        14.09.43

  3. Press the PF08/PF20 key twice to scroll down until the value RIVET D. 0.5 BCR is visible.

    Figure 153 After Scrolling Down

    VALUES OF INDEX: ITEM-DESC                                              (U.S.X)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    O VALUE                                                # OF SECTIONS         

       LEFT WING                                                  00000003         

       MAIN LANDING GEAR                                          00000001         

       MAIN WHEEL                                                 00000001         

       METAL O RING 0.1                                           00000003         

       METAL O RING 2.2                                           00000003         

       METAL O RING 2.7                                           00000003         

       NITRIC ACID 10%                                            00000003         

       NITRIC ACID 15%                                            00000003         

       NOSE LANDING GEAR                                          00000001         

       NOSE WHEEL                                                 00000001         

       NUT 1/16                                                   00000003         

       NUT 1/32                                                   00000003         

       NUT 1/8                                                    00000003         

       NUT 5/32                                                   00000003         

       OIL DX-2W3                                                 00000003         

       RIGHT WING                                                 00000003         

       RIVET D. 0.5 BCR                                           00000002         

       RIVET D. 0.1 ACP                                           00000003         

       RIVET D. 0.1 ACR                                           00000003         

       RIVET D. 0.1 BCR                                           00000002         

    OPTIONS:    V -VIEW    P -PRINT   X -SUBINDEXES                        14.24.38

  4. Enter V (View) in the OPTION field to the left of RIVET D. 0.5 BCR and press Enter.

    Inventory report data, beginning with the first page that contains item RIVET D. 0.5 BCR, is displayed. The first occurrence is in Warehouse 1002. This item is highlighted wherever it occurs in the report.

    Figure 154 Highlighting of Selected Item

    ------------- CONTROL-D/V REPORT VIEWING   NOTES    0 NDX: ITEM-DESC         

    COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CRSR

    USR DEMO     REP INVENTORY REPORT     JB JDEMO    00839 DT 050500 RUL         


    DATE:   05.05.00                                                               

    UPDATE: 05.05.00                                                               

                                     INVENTORY REPORT                              



    WAREHOUSE NO: 1002       DEPARTMENT:  100  -  WINGS ASSEMBLY SHOP              

                  ----                    ---------------------------              


    ITEM NO.      DESCRIPTION          SHELF   QNTY   QNTY       QNTY       QNTY IN

                                       LIFE    UNIT   AVAIL      ORDER      PROCESS

    -----------   ----------------     -----   ----   -------    -------    -------


    1233-781-21   RIVET D. 0.1 ACR     NONE    KG      100.00     250.00           


    1233-781-22   RIVET D. 0.1 BCR     NONE    KG       10.00      50.00           


    1233-781-25   RIVET D. 0.5 ACR     NONE    KG      500.00     500.00           


    1233-781-26   RIVET D. O.5 BCR     NONE    KG       25.00      25.00           

    CMDS: FIND str (PREV), EDIT, RULER on/off/name, VALUE, N n P p        11.11.15

  5. Press the PF08/PF20 key to find the next occurrence (in Warehouse 1003).

    Figure 155 Finding Next Occurrence

    ------------- CONTROL-D/V REPORT VIEWING   NOTES    0 NDX: WAREHOUSE         

    COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CRSR

    USR DEMO     REP INVENTORY REPORT     JB JDEMO    00839 DT 050500 RUL         


    DATE:   05.05.00                                                               

    UPDATE: 05.05.00                                                               

                                     INVENTORY REPORT                              



    WAREHOUSE NO: 1003       DEPARTMENT:  100  -  TAIL  ASSEMBLY SHOP              

                  ----                    ---------------------------              


    ITEM NO.      DESCRIPTION          SHELF   QNTY   QNTY       QNTY       QNTY IN

                                       LIFE    UNIT   AVAIL      ORDER      PROCESS

    -----------   ----------------     -----   ----   -------    -------    -------


    1233-781-21   RIVET D. 0.1 ACR     NONE    KG      100.00     250.00           


    1233-781-22   RIVET D. 0.1 BCR     NONE    KG       10.00      50.00           


    1233-781-25   RIVET D. 0.5 ACR     NONE    KG      500.00     500.00           


    1233-781-26   RIVET D. O.5 BCR     NONE    KG       25.00      25.00           

    CMDS: FIND str (PREV), EDIT, RULER on/off/name, VALUE, N n P p        10.53.49

  6. Press PF03/PF15 twice to redisplay the Active User Report List.

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Using Index Values to Select Active Report Pages