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General Notes in the Report List

In Chapter 2 of this guide, you saw that you could affix notes to specific report strings in the Report Viewing screen. The Notepad facility also allows you to define a general note that applies to the entire report. General notes are defined and accessed through the N (Note) option in the Active User Report List screen.

The same commands are used in both the General Note window and the Tag Note window, as discussed in Chapter 2 of this guide

In this exercise you will define a general note for the EMPLOYEES-MANAGEMENT report.

  1. Type N in the OPTION field by the Employees-Management report to display the General Note window.

    Figure 129 General Note Window

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)

    COMMAND ===>      +---------------------NOTE PAD FACILITY----------(GENERAL)-+

    O USER     REPORT | EDIT       VERSION  0001     uid       05/05/00 17:17:07 |

      DEMO     INVENT |                                                          |

    N DEMO     EMPLOY |                                                          |

      DEMO     EMPLOY |                                                          |

      DEMO     EMPLOY |                                                          |

      DEMO     EMPLOY |                                                          |

      DEMO     BANKIN |                                                          |

    ====== >>>>>>>>>> |                                                          |

                      |                                                          |

                      |                                                          |

                      |                                                          |

                      |    F3:END               F7:CLEAR             F8:DELETE   |









    P PRINT     V VIEW     U UPDATE     I INSERT     A ADD INFO     E EDIT        

    X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       10.24.32

  2. Type the following note in the window:

    Marilyn, Neil, Jay, Melissa:
    Prepare for employee reviews next month.
    A. Howard

  3. Press the END key (PF03/PF15).

    The Exit Option window prompts whether to create the note.

    Figure 130 General Note Window Exit Option Window

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)

    COMMAND ===>      +---------------------NOTE PAD FACILITY----------(GENERAL)-+

    O USER     REPORT | EDIT       VERSION  0001     uid       05/05/00 17:17:07 |

      DEMO     INVENT | MARILYN, NEIL, JAY, MELISSA:                             |


      DEMO     EMPLOY | A. H +--------------------------------------------+      |

      DEMO     EMPLOY |      |          PLEASE SELECT EXIT OPTION         |      |

      DEMO     EMPLOY |      |                                            |      |

      DEMO     BANKIN |      |               CREATE   (Y/N)               |      |

    ====== >>>>>>>>>> |      +--------------------------------------------+      |

                      |                                                          |

                      |                                                          |

                      |                                                          |

                      |    F3:END               F7:CLEAR             F8:DELETE   |









    P PRINT     V VIEW     U UPDATE     I INSERT     A ADD INFO     E EDIT        

    X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       10.24.32

  4. Type Y (Yes) to create the note, and press Enter.

    The Exit Option window and General Note window are closed. The note is saved.

    Like tag notes, general notes can be read, modified or deleted.

    Any number of general notes can be defined in each report. The N (Note) field in the Active User Report list indicates if, and what kind of, notes are defined for a report.

    Figure 131 Note Field in Active User Report List Screen

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N STATUS

      DEMO     INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V   Decollated

      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MANAGMENT  05/05/00      1       18   G Decollated

      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MARKETING  05/05/00      3      131 V T Decollated

      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-DEVELOPMEN 05/05/00      1       10     Decollated

      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-PRODUCTION 05/05/00      3      169     Decollated

      DEMO     BANKING REPORT       05/05/00      5      256     Decollated

    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======













    P PRINT     V VIEW     U UPDATE     I INSERT     A ADD INFO     E EDIT        

    X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       10.24.32

If a report has one or more general notes and one or more tag notes, the NOTE field contains an A (All).

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