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Deferred Printing

Reports in the Active User Report list are normally scheduled for printing according to predefined criteria. (For example, a bundle is prepared to reach your desk in the morning.) Since the reports are printed at a later time, according to predefined schedules, this is called deferred printing.

Deferred printing allows Control-D to collect all the reports for a user into one bundle and print them together.

You have already learned how to request the immediate printing of a report. You should also learn how to request the deferred printing of a report, for example, when a report must be printed on the main computer printer and you want it included in your print bundle.

Situations in which a report might have to be printed on the main computer printer include:

Suppose that only one copy of the Banking report is normally included in your print bundle, but today you want two copies included. The following steps show how to execute this deferred printing request.

  1. Type P (Print) in the OPTION field for the Banking report belonging to user DEMO and press Enter to display the Print Option window on the Active User Report List screen:

    Figure 127 Print Option Window in Active User Report List Screen

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)

    COMMAND ===>     +----------------------------------------------------------+

    O USER     REPOR |                                                          |

      DEMO     INVEN |  PRINT OPTION ===>                                       |

      DEMO     EMPLO |                                                          |

      DEMO     EMPLO |    1  Immediate Printing                                 |

      DEMO     EMPLO |    2  Deferred Printing (by Print Mission)               |

      DEMO     EMPLO |    X  Exit (no action)                                   |

    P DEMO     BANKI |                                                          |

    ====== >>>>>>>>> |    COPIES  001             FORM           CLASS D        |

                     |                                                          |

                     |    DEST                    WTR                           |

                     |                                                          |

                     |    FROM PAGE 00000001 TO PAGE 00000005 RULER DEFAULT     |

                     |                                                          |

                     |    PRINT MISSIONS                                        |

                     |                                                          |

                     |  USER DEMO     REPORT BANKING REPORT       JOB JDEMO     |

                     |                                                          |




    P PRINT     V VIEW     U UPDATE     I INSERT     A ADD INFO     E EDIT        

    X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       10.24.32

    Note: When requesting deferred printing from the Print Option window, you cannot use the FROM PAGE or TO PAGE fields, nor can you use the RULER field.

  2. Type 2 (Deferred Printing) in the Print Option field.

    Change the value of the COPIES field from 001 to 002.

    Normally, if you press Enter, the Print Option window would no longer be displayed and the Banking report would show a Wait Print status.

    Figure 128 Wait Print Status Message

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    O USER     REPORT               ODATE     PAGES    LINES V N STATUS

      DEMO     INVENTORY REPORT     05/05/00      9      427 V   Decollated

      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MANAGMENT  05/05/00      1       18     Decollated

      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-MARKETING  05/05/00      3      131 V T Decollated

      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-DEVELOPMEN 05/05/00      1       10     Decollated

      DEMO     EMPLOYEES-PRODUCTION 05/05/00      3      169     Decollated

      DEMO     BANKING REPORT       05/05/00      5      256     Wait print

    ====== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   B O T T O M    O F    L I S T   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======

    However, to prevent the inclusion of sample reports in regular report bundles, deferred printing is not permitted for user DEMO. Instead, continue as follows:

  3. Press Enter to display the following message:


  4. Type X (Exit) in the Print Option window and press Enter.

    The Print Option window is no longer displayed.

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