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Immediate Printing

You will now use the Immediate Printing option. This exercise demonstrates the following printing parameter fields:

Table 8 Parameters of the Print Option Window


What It Does


Specifies how many copies of the report are to be printed.


Specifies the remote printer (node and userid) on which the report is to be printed. If this field is blank, the report prints on the default printer.


In this field you can specify the name of an external writer for printing the report. If your data center is using TS-PRINT, specify the VTAM name of the printer in this field.


Specifies a page range (inclusive) for printing part of a report.


These fields specify PAGEDEF and FORMDEF parameters for AFP reports.

The Immediate Printing option sends a report to the JES spool with the printer parameters specified in the fields in the window.

In this exercise, you will immediately print two copies of only the first page of the report at the desired printer.

  1. Type 1 (Immediate Printing) in the Print Option field.
  2. Request two copies of the report instead of one, by changing the value in the COPIES field from 001 to 002.
  3. If you want to use a different printer than the default printer, type the desired printer details in the DEST and/or WTR fields.

    Note: If you do not know the name of your printer, leave the DEST field blank.

  4. To print only page 1 instead of the entire report, change the TO PAGE value from 00000003 to 00000001.

    The Print Option window should look like the example below, where printer represents your target printer.

    Figure 62 Completed Print Option Window

    ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)

    COMMAND ===>     +----------------------------------------------------------+

    O USER     REPOR |                                                          |

      DEMO     INVEN |  PRINT OPTION ===> 1                                     |

      DEMO     EMPLO |                                                          |

    P DEMO     EMPLO |    1  Immediate Printing                                 |

      DEMO     EMPLO |    2  Deferred Printing (by Print Mission)               |

      DEMO     EMPLO |    X  Exit (no action)                                   |

      DEMO     BANKI |                                                          |

    ====== >>>>>>>>> |    COPIES  002             FORM           CLASS D        |

                     |                                                          |

                     |    DEST printer            WTR                           |

                     |                                                          |

                     |    FROM PAGE 00000001 TO PAGE 00000001 RULER DEFAULT     |

                     |                                                          |

                     |    PRINT MISSIONS                                        |

                     |                                                          |

                     |    PAGEDEF          FORMDEF                              |

                     |                                                          |

                     |  USER DEMO     REPORT EMPLOYEES-MARKETING  JOB JDEMO     |

                     |                                                          |


    P PRINT     V VIEW     U UPDATE     I INSERT     A ADD INFO     E EDIT        

    X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       10.24.32

  5. Press Enter to send the report to the specified printer for immediate printing.

    The Print Option window is no longer displayed on the Active User Report List screen. The message line at the top of the screen displays the following message:

    CTD947I REPORT report name / job# / user PRINTED OK

Note: If you get an error message, type X in the Print Option field to exit this window, and the report will not be printed.

Parent Topic

Printing a Report