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Print Option Window

When you enter P (Print) in the OPTION field of a report on the Active User Report list, the Print Option window is displayed. The request for immediate printing of the report is made from this Print Option window.

  1. Type P (Print) in the OPTION field for the Employees-Marketing report and press Enter.

The Print Option window is displayed on the Active User Report List screen.

Figure 61 Print Option Window

ACTIVE LIST    <D> JOB          REP                      USR DEMO           (U)

COMMAND ===>     +----------------------------------------------------------+

O USER     REPOR |                                                          |

  DEMO     INVEN |  PRINT OPTION ===>                                       |

  DEMO     EMPLO |                                                          |

P DEMO     EMPLO |    1  Immediate Printing                                 |

  DEMO     EMPLO |    2  Deferred Printing (by Print Mission)               |

  DEMO     EMPLO |    X  Exit (no action)                                   |

  DEMO     BANKI |                                                          |

====== >>>>>>>>> |    COPIES  001             FORM STD       CLASS          |

                 |                                                          |

                 |    DEST LOCAL              WTR                           |

                 |                                                          |

                 |    FROM PAGE 00000002 TO PAGE 00000003 RULER DEFAULT     |

                 |                                                          |

                 |    PRINT MISSIONS VENAPRT                                |

                 |                                                          |

                 |    PAGEDEF          FORMDEF                              |

                 |                                                          |


                 |                                                          |


P PRINT     V VIEW     U UPDATE     I INSERT     A ADD INFO     E EDIT        

X INDEX     N NOTE     G GIVETO     D DELETE     Q QUICK ACCESS       10.24.32

Control-D normally allocates and prints the sysout to spool, using default values for printing parameters such as DEST, WTR, CLASS and PRIORITY that are defined for the sysout during decollation.

However, you can use the Print Option window to manually enter individual print requests. The fields of the Print Option window displays the printing parameter defaults, but you can change the values in the window to override the defaults.

The following options are displayed in the Print Option window: Immediate Printing, Deferred Printing and Exit.

Parent Topic

Printing a Report