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Decide the Online Viewing Environments

One of the first decisions you must make is how end users will access the online report information. You should select environments with which the end user is familiar (for example, if the end user has only used CICS to access the system, you do not want to have them learn TSO in order to use Control-D). The list of environments that can be used are listed below:

From Phase 1, you should have some idea of how many users have online access and which environments are currently used. Implementing online viewing in the PC environment will be discussed in Phase 10.

You should find out from the super users approximately how many recipients of the pilot application have online access and which environments they use. Using these figures, you will be able to calculate what percentage of users will take the online viewing option that you will be offering. We recommend that end users use the environment with which they feel most comfortable. The online viewing facilities of Control-D are standard across all supported environments (all screens, messages, and so on, are uniformly presented across all platforms).

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Phase 9: Online Viewing Implementation