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The pre-implementation process involves the delivery of information to the end users informing them of the new Distribution Management System being implemented.

Before you implement Control-D into production there is an important process to be performed. This process involves a period of consultation with the end users. Your objective will be to make the implementation of Control-D as smooth as possible for the end users. This will be achieved by involving and informing them of the implementation process.

You should try to make the end users feel that they have some control over the output that they receive. It will not help your cause if one day the users come in and receive their reports in a completely different format than usual without explaining what has occurred to their print bundles. People like to be informed of change, especially if there has been very little of it in the distribution system for the last twenty years or so. Any potential resistance to change can be diffused by informing the users of the new distribution system and explaining the new format of their report bundles. We will break down the pre-implementation process into six categories of information for the end user as follows:

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Phase 8: Production Implementation