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CDAM Control Parameters

CDAM control parameters are used to control the functions performed by the CDAM subsystem. There are two types of control parameters:

Allocation Parameters

When Control-D allocates a CDAM dataset, it uses dataset allocation control parameters (such as PREFIX, BLOCK, UNIT, EAVUSE).

Below is an example of allocation parameter override in a SUBSYS statement.

Example - Allocation Parameters in a SUBSYS Statement


In the above example, the CDAM dataset is created with a prefix of GL10, which overrides the default prefix specified in member CTDPARM. The CDAM dataset will be allocated on the PROD units, again overriding the default value specified.

Retrieval Parameters

Retrieval control parameters are used to specify retrieval information for CDAM datasets, that is, which CDAM you want to decollate. The parameters enable you to retrieve exactly the CDAM file or files you want to decollate.

Retrieval parameter overrides can be specified in the decollating mission parameters using the DSN and ON DSN fields. The types of parameters you can specify include JOBNAME, DDNAME, PGMSTEP. An example is shown below.

Example - Retrieval Parameters in a Decollating Mission (in an ON DSN Statement)


  DSN     LAST=YES                                                            



  SHOUT WHEN                                      TO                  URG     



  DEF COPIES 01 LVL 95 USER UNIDENT              DEST          MAX COPIES     


  ON DSN        = PGMSTEP=STEP1,DDNAME=SYSUT2                                 

  PRT COPIES    LVL    USER                      DEST          MAX COPIES     

      PRINT/CDAM PARMS =                                                      

  WHEN LINE       -       COL       -       PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR   

       STRING =                                                               


Note: You should now update all relevant report decollating mission definitions with the appropriate CDAM retrieval parameters.

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CDAM Parameters