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Sysout Control Parameters

Sysout control parameters can be used to assign sysout attribute information to the compressed reports. These can then be used when the report is printed by Control-D. Examples of such parameters are CHARS, FCB, and SYSOUT.

Below are examples of sysout control parameter overrides in a SUBSYS statement, and in the PRINT/CDAM line of a decollation mission.

Example - Sysout Control Parameters in a SUBSYS Statement


Example - Sysout Control Parameters in a Decollation Mission (In the PRINT/CDAM Line)

You can also use parameter PRINT/CDAM of the report decollating mission definition to specify or override the attributes for the reports to be printed. For example:

  ON DSN        = PGMSTEP=STEP1,DDNAME=SYSUT2                                 

  PRT COPIES    LVL    USER                      DEST          MAX COPIES     

      PRINT/CDAM PARMS = SYSOUT=P,CHARS=SP12                                 

      PRINT/CDAM PARMS =                                                      

  WHEN LINE       -       COL       -       PRINT   REF NXT   CT     AND/OR  

       STRING =                                                               

    DO USER     = *                     LVL    LINE 006 COL 016 - 019 S A T   

                                        SYNONYM =       CONCAT =              

    DO NAME     = BILLING REPORT               LINE     COL     -            

    DO PRINT    = LASINV5                               MUST   =              


Parent Topic

CDAM Parameters