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Using Runtime Scheduling Parameters to Determine When to Execute the Mission

The next set of parameters you specify are the Runtime Scheduling parameters. You now define information about when the mission should execute after it has been placed in the Active Missions file.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters


  TIME FROM      TO      NOT LATER THAN      PRIORITY                        

  ON PAGE#               ON LINE#            INTERVAL          NEXT TIME

When all Runtime parameters are fulfilled concurrently, the printing mission starts executing. The Control-D monitor checks the Active Missions file at specified intervals (defined in member CTDPARM) to see if the specified criteria have been met. You can specify dependency information to the printing mission using parameter IN.

Example 1

The following definition specifies that the printing mission for the Accounts recipients should not run until all of the Accounts application's decollating missions have run. This ensures that all of the account application's reports are included in the recipients' bundles.

  IN        PAC102-DEC-OK        ODAT        PAC106-DEC-OK       ODAT         

  IN        PAC107-DEC-OK        ODAT        PAC108-DEC-OK       ODAT         

  IN        PAC109-DEC-OK        ODAT                                         

  TIME FROM      TO      NOT LATER THAN      PRIORITY                        

  ON PAGE#               ON LINE#            INTERVAL          NEXT TIME

Example 2

In the next definition, we use parameter NOT LATER THAN to specify a cutoff time when the mission should no longer wait for conditions. The Account's application is only halfway through its schedule when you need to start printing reports to meet your dispatch deadlines. Therefore, you specify a NOT LATER THAN time of 0500. Even if the relevant conditions have not been added by the decollating missions, the printing mission will start executing to print the reports produced so far.

  IN        PAC102-DEC-OK        ODAT        PAC106-DEC-OK       ODAT      

  IN        PAC107-DEC-OK        ODAT        PAC108-DEC-OK       ODAT        

  IN        PAC109-DEC-OK        ODAT                                       

  TIME FROM      TO      NOT LATER THAN 0500 PRIORITY                        

  ON PAGE#               ON LINE#            INTERVAL          NEXT TIME

Parent Topic

Printing Mission Parameters