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Using Basic Scheduling Parameters to Determine When to Schedule the Mission

The next set of parameters you specify are the Basic Scheduling parameters. Now you define information about when to schedule the mission to the Active Missions file.

Different categories of the printing mission can be set up, and can have different scheduling criteria (for example, the printing priorities or dependencies for the mission may change for the month's end run).

Basic Scheduling Parameters

  DAYS                                                          DCAL         


  WDAYS                                                         WCAL         

  MONTHS  1- Y 2- Y 3- Y 4- Y 5- Y 6- Y 7- Y 8- Y 9- Y 10- Y 11- Y 12- Y      


  CONFCAL          SHIFT   RETRO N MAXWAIT 00                                 

  MINIMUM          PDS                                                        

What Places the Printing Mission in the Active Missions File?

A printing mission must be placed in the Active Missions file in order to execute. The mechanism used to place a copy of the printing mission definitions in the Active Missions file is the New Day procedure (CTDNDAY).

The New Day procedure calls a special scheduling program that runs independently of the Control-D monitor (STC). The program can run at any time, even if the Control-D monitor is not active.

The scheduling program scans and analyzes your printing mission library and determines which printing missions should be scheduled to the Active Missions file depending on the defined Basic Scheduling parameters. You can also specify special parameters in the list of missions to be scheduled, which can override any specified scheduling criteria. For example, parameter FORCE ignores the Basic Scheduling parameters and always places the printing mission in the Active Missions file.

Methods of Scheduling Printing Missions

You can invoke the scheduling program under a variety of environments. Below is a list of the possible invocation environments and a description of how they work.

We recommend that initially you schedule your printing missions on an "ad hoc" basis to compare your print bundles in parallel. You will implement your chosen scheduling method during Phase 8.

Note: You should now decide your printing mission scheduling method.

Parent Topic

Printing Mission Parameters