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How Long will the Project Take?

If you selected a pilot application conforming to the suggested sizes, we recommend the following estimated time frames for each phase of the implementation plan. (Time frames are assigned in working days.)

Table 9 Estimated Time Frame For Each Phase


Man Days Required

% of Project

1. Deciding implementation strategy

2 Days


2. Defining the recipient tree

1 Day


3. Designing the Decollating Missions

4 Days


4. Designing print bundles

1 Day


5. Implementing system administration tasks

1 Day


6. Implementing CDAM Direct Write facility

1 Day


7. Handling MSGCLASS output

1/2 Day


8. Production implementation

1 & 1/2 Days


9. Online Viewing implementation

3 Days


10. Control-D/WebAccess Server implementation

2 Days


11. Project review

1 Day



18 Days


These are estimates of the actual amount of man days required. It is not a total for the actual elapsed time of the project as there are periods when the users will be adjusting to their latest changes before we provide them with another benefit. It also does not take into account weekends, holidays and any unscheduled interruptions to normal activities.

You can use the percentage breakdowns if you want to vary the scope of the project according to size of application or experience level of staff involved.

Do not use the initial implementation time frames as a forecast for the entire implementation of Control-D. These time frames apply only to the initial pilot application. It is important to understand that any subsequent applications will be implemented in a fraction of the time. The initial implementation is an educating phase where you will be setting foundations for all other applications. Also, some phases will not have to be carried out for future applications, further reducing the implementation time.

The time frames supplied are estimates. You may find that the pilot implementation takes more or less time, depending on the specific requirements and complexity of your site.

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What Human Resources Do I Need?