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Step 15: Verify Media Database Integrity

This step consists of job CONVIDB that runs utility CTTIDB after the conversion to verify the integrity of the Media Database. For more information about utility CTTIDB, see the Control-M/Tape chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide. CTTIDB issues messages if database inconsistencies are detected. Examples of such inconsistencies are:

If utility CTTIDB reports errors, it might indicate problems that were overlooked or missed while cleaning up the CA-TLMS VMF. If this is the case, correct the original data and repeat the conversion process from Step 4 (Format Media Database). You can also correct problems directly in the Control-M/Tape Media Database. For more information about utility CTTIDB, see verifying media database integrity chapter of the Control-M/Tape Implementation Guide, and the Control-M/Tape chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

Utility CTTIDB also generates Media Database statistics that can be used for comparison with the CA-TLMS VMF. The statistics provided include:

For information about the structure of the Media Database, such as data records and index records, see the Control-M/Tape chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

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CA-TLMS Conversion Process