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Step 6: Create CA-TLMS Reports

Before running this job, run the daily retention and vaulting processing for CA-1. This is necessary to convert to PHASED or PROD modes. This is also recommended when you convert to TEST mode.

Note: Users of TLMS version 5.4 who have set the default data format in reports to a non-standard format (for example, 12-Jan-2000) must insert the following statement as the first statement in the SYSIN file that is used in job CONVTREP:

SDT date

where date is mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd based on the date format specified for parameter DATEFRM in Step 1 of the conversion process.

All job steps must end with a condition code of 0.

This job is used to generate CA-TLMS reports from the VMF and the RMF. These reports are used in a later step to create Control-M/Tape rule definitions, and to build the Control-M/Tape Media Database.

This job uses the CATRPTS CA-TLMS procedure to produce the following reports:

Table 16 CA-TLMS Reports Created by Job CONVTREP




Active Data Set Report. Lists all datasets in the VMF that are not in scratch status.


Volume Master Report. Lists all volumes (according to volume serial number) in the VMF regardless of their status.


Tape Retention Location Report. Lists all locations (local and remote) defined in the RMF.


Tape Retention Selection Report. Lists all retention commands in the RMF. Retention type, location ID, and count value are listed for each dataset or dataset group.

Parent Topic

CA-TLMS Conversion Process