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Retention Processing

Actual expiration of data sets and volumes is performed by the CTTRTM utility, which is run on a daily basis.

CTTRTM examines the retention period of all data sets listed in the Media Database. In general, when the retention period of a data set has been exceeded, the data set status in the data set record is set to "scratch" and the corresponding volume record is updated accordingly. A volume does not become scratch until all its data sets are expired.

If the RTNTYPE installation parameter is set to VOL in the CTTPARM parameter, a data set is not scratched until all the data sets on the same volume have expired. In this case, all the data sets on a multifile volume are scratched at the same time, when the last data set expires. If RTNTYPE is set to DSN, each data set is scratched according to its own retention period, even if other active data sets exist on the volume.

If the RTNTYPE installation parameter is set to GROUP in the CTTPARM parameter, a data set is not scratched until all the data sets in the group of volumes have expired. In this case, all the data sets on a multivolume group are scratched at the same time, when the last data set expires. If RTNTYPE is set to DSN, each data set is scratched according to its own retention period, even if other active data sets exist on the volume.

When a data set is expired by Control-M/Tape, if the data set is cataloged in the same volume, it is uncataloged from the operating system catalog. A vaulted volume is not scratched until it has completed its vault pattern and returns to the Active library (MAINLIB).

In addition to utility CTTRTM, volumes and data sets can be scratched through the Online facility (TI screen), the CTTMUP utility, or the CTTAPI. For an example of scratching using CTTAPI, see the CTTVEXP member in the IOA SAMPLE library.

From the Online facility, volumes and data sets can be expired using the Expire command in the Inquire/Update screen. If an Immediate scratch is requested, the volume and all the data sets residing on it expire immediately. If not, they are marked as Pending Scratch and are expired by the next run of utility CTTRTM.

Parent Topic

Retention Management