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T1: Simulate Control-M/Tape Rules

This utility simulates Control-M/Tape rule processing when a particular job is run. It enables you to check which rules are processed when the job is run, and the results of that rule processing. It is recommended that this utility be used when inserting new rules (to check that they are processed and that they perform as expected), or to understand existing rules whose functions are unclear.

The utility shows which DO blocks were performed and from which rules these DO blocks were taken.

The utility screen can be displayed in the following ways:

-------------------- CONTROL-M/TAPE RULE SEARCH SIMULATION -------------------

COMMAND ===>                                                                  


PLEASE FILL IN SEARCH CRITERIA:                                             


DATASET                ===>                                             


JOBNAME                ===>                                             

                                           UCB      ===>                  

VOLSER                  ===>                                             

                                           MGMTCLAS ===>                  

ACCOUNT                ===>                                             

                                           JCLEXPDT ===>            (YYDDD)

USERID                  ===>                                 or (YYYY/DDD)

                                           PGM      ===>                  

MEDIA                   ===>                                             




LOAD NEW RULES          ===> Y (Y/N)      RULLIST ===> RULLIST         

LOGICAL DATE            ===>             (Loading rules date, YYYYMMDD)

FUNCTION                ===> BROWSE       (BROWSE/EDIT search results)

F1=HELP    F2=SPLIT    F3=END      F4=RETURN   F5=RFIND    F6=RCHANGE      

F7=UP       F8=DOWN    F9=SWAP    F10=LEFT    F11=RIGHT   F12=keys         

The screen is divided into two sections. The first section provides job run information that Control-M/Tape would gather if the particular job was run (DATASET, JOBNAME, and so on). The utility uses information supplied in this section to select and activate rules.

Note: The meaning of these fields (except JCLEXPDT) is explained in ON Statement: Selection Parameter. JCLEXPDT is the JCL expiration date in Julian format.

To activate the utility, specify YES at the bottom of the screen and press Enter.

Parent Topic

Utilities Under ISPF