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Check-In Confirmation Window

After the details for a volume (and its associated data sets) are specified in the External Volume Check-In screen, the confirmation window is displayed, requesting confirmation of whether the volume should be added to the Media Database.

Figure 84 External Volume Check-In Confirmation Window

-------------- CONTROL-M/Tape EXTERNAL VOLUME CHECK-IN SCREEN ------------(TC)



   VOLSER      EXT014   SL-NAME BR0249    VOLSER: External + Internal

   MEDIA TYPE 3490       +--------------------------------------+


   PRINT LABEL Y          |   VOLUME EXT014 TO THE MDB Y (Y/N)   |l?

   MVS CATALOG          ON+--------------------------------------+

   DEL EXPIRED                            Delete when expired (Y/N)?

   RETENTION   DAYS       00030          DAYs/DATe/Permanent/Catalog

   ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -----------------------------------------------------

   DESCRIPTION                            USER FIELD

   VENDOR                                  OWNER

   EXTERNAL VOLUME DATASET LIST -----------------------------------------------

   DATASET# 01

   DATASET# 02

   DATASET# 03

   DATASET# 04

   DATASET# 05



PRESS ENTER TO CHECK-IN AN EXTERNAL VOLUME                            11.38.51

Enter Y (Yes) in the window to check in (add) the volume. The VOLSER is added to the Media Database and a message is displayed on top of the screen.

Enter N (No) in the window to cancel the check-in request.

Parent Topic

External Volume Check-In Facility