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External Volume Check-In Facility

The External Volume Check-In screen permits the definition and addition of external volumes (for example, volumes sent from other sites) to the Control-M/Tape Media Database.

To enter the External Volume Check-In screen, select option TC in the IOA Primary Option menu. The following screen is displayed:

Figure 82 External Volume Check-In Screen

-------------- CONTROL-M/Tape EXTERNAL VOLUME CHECK-IN SCREEN ------------(TC)



   VOLSER      AX3000   SL-NAME AX3000    VOLSER: External + Internal

   MEDIA TYPE 3490                        Type of media

   LABEL TYPE SL                         Type of label (SL/NL/NSL/AL)

   PRINT LABEL Y                           Print gummed label? (Y/N)

   MVS CATALOG          ON UNIT            Catalog (Y/N) + Unit Name

   DEL EXPIRED                            Delete when expired (Y/N)?

   RETENTION   DAYS            00030       DAYs/DATe/Permanent/Catalog/Rules

   ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -----------------------------------------------------

   DESCRIPTION                            USER FIELD

   VENDOR                                  OWNER

   EXTERNAL VOLUME DATASET LIST -----------------------------------------------







PRESS ENTER TO CHECK-IN AN EXTERNAL VOLUME                            11.45.02

When the screen is entered, the previously saved data (or no data, if the default has been modified) are displayed.

During installation, a prefix for external volumes can be defined (in parameter EXTRNVOL in member CTTPARM). This optionally defined prefix can be up to three characters in length (for example, EXT) and is automatically assigned to external volumes that are checked in.

If such a prefix is defined, when screen TC is entered, field VOLSER displays the first available volser beginning with the prefix (instead of the last saved volser) and field SL-NAME displays asterisks (instead of the last saved Standard Label Name). The user must replace the asterisks in field SL-NAME with the internal volume label (the SL-NAME).

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Online Facilities