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Extending the Retention Period of Data Sets and Volumes

To extend the retention period of a data set or volume by a number of days, specify option X (Extend). If you want to set an expiration date to a specific date, use the Inquiry/Update entry panel. For more information about the Inquiry/Update panel, see Inquiries and Updates.

Active Data Sets and Volumes

An active data set or volume is one whose Status is either Active or Pending Scratch. When you extend the retention period of an active data set or volume, Control-M/Tape treats specific and non-specific expiration dates differently.

Specific Expiration Dates

The following applies to an active data set and volume that have specific expiration dates.

When you extend the retention period of a data set, Control-M/Tape compares the volume’s expiration date to the new expiration date of the data set. If the volume expiration date is earlier, Control-M/Tape sets the volume expiration date to that of the data set.

Extending the Retention Period of Data Sets – Examples

The expiration date of a data set is January 1, and the associated volume expiration date is January 5. You extend the retention period of the data set by 10 days. Control-M/Tape sets both the expiration date of both the data set and the volume to January 11.

The expiration date of a data set is January 1, and the associated volume expiration date is January 5. You extend the retention period of the data set by three days. Control-M/Tape sets the data set expiration date to January 4, and leaves the volume expiration date unchanged.

When you extend the retention period of an active volume that has a specific expiration date, Control-M/Tape:

Adds the number of days that you specify to the retention period of all active data sets on the volume, and changes statuses of Pending Scratch to Active.

Leaves scratched data sets unchanged.

If the volume’s status is Pending Scratch, Control-M/Tape changes the status to Active.

This makes extending the retention period of a volume a convenient way to extend the retention period of all active data sets on the volume.

Extending the Retention Period of Volumes – Example

A volume’s expiration date is January 1, and you extend it by 10 days to January 11. Control-M/Tape automatically extends the expiration dates of all active data sets on the volume by 10 days.

You can extend the retention period of an active external volume just as you would a regular volume. In addition, you can extend the retention period of an external volume that has no data sets.

Note: To change the status of a data set or volume from Pending Scratch to Active, use the Extend option with Number of Days set to 0. This is useful when you accidentally expire a data set or volume by using deferred expiration.

Non-specific Expiration Dates

You cannot extend the retention period of a data set whose expiration date is non-specific.

If an active volume with a non-specific expiration date contains any data sets with specific expiration dates, you can use the Extend option on the volume. In this case, Control-M/Tape:

Adds the number of days that you specify to the expiration dates of active data sets that have specific expiration dates, and changes any Pending Scratch statuses to Active.

Scratch Data Sets and Volumes

When you use the Extend option on a scratch data set on a scratch volume, Control-M/Tape modifies all data sets and volumes in the chain. In this case, Control-M/Tape unscratches all data sets and volumes and sets their retention periods to the current date plus the number of days that you specify.

Similarly, when you use the Extend option on a scratch volume, Control-M/Tape unscratches all data sets and volumes in the chain, and sets their retention periods to the current date plus the number of days that you specify.

You can use the Extend option on an external scratch volume just as you would on a regular scratch volume.

To directly extend a volume’s expiration date, specify option X on that volume’s record.

Specifying option X for either a volume or a data set record opens up the following window:

Figure 75 Extending the Retention Period of Data Sets and Volumes (Option X) Confirmation Window

  DATABASE LIST < B / VD > --------------------------------------------------(TI)

  COMMAND ===>            +---------------------------------+     SCROLL===> CRSR

  O VOLSER/DATASET        |    Extend retention data        | ETENTION   STATUS

    RKL006                |    NUMBER OF DAYS:  0000        |            Active

  X  AFILE         <----- |    CONFIRM               (Y/N)  | CYCL 003   Active

     AFILE                +---------------------------------+ CYCL 003   Active

    RKL007                                                               Active

     AFILE                                         01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active

     AFILE                                         **/**/**   CYCL 003   Active

    VER001                                                    06/06/00   Pend-Scr

     ACC.RS.TE.FF.ACC18.A.RCC70V00                 01/01/00   06/06/00   Pend-Scr

    VER003                                                    12/12/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.MOVE.TSSBAC.FILECHK.KEE23V00       01/01/00   12/12/00   Active

    VER005                                                    12/12/00   Vaulted

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RSSN.V3322276.BAT3005       01/01/00   12/12/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0559V00               01/01/00   12/12/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0558V00               01/01/00   12/12/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0557V00               01/01/00   12/12/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0556V00               01/01/00   12/12/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0555V00               01/01/00   12/12/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0554V00               01/01/00   12/12/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0553V00               01/01/00   12/12/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0552V00               01/01/00   12/12/00   Active

  USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                           17.10.06

Fill in the confirmation window as follows and press Enter.

Table 96 Fields of the Option Extend (X) Confirmation Window




Number of days to extend the expiration date. If the data set status is Scratch, the expiration date is set to the current date plus the number of days specified. A value of 0000 removes Pend-Scratch status without modifying the retention criteria. Mandatory.


Confirmation of extend operation. Mandatory. Valid Values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Expiration date is extended.
  • N (No) – Expiration date is not extended.

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