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Expiring Volumes and Data Sets

Option E (Expire) can be used to expire volumes (that have not been vaulted) or data sets. Specifying this option opens a confirmation window.

Immediate or deferred expiration can be requested. Deferred expiration changes the status of the volume or data set to Pend-Scratch, and the volume or data set is erased when retention management is performed during the New Day procedure.

Note: If the status of a volume or data set has been changed to Pend-Scratch through option E, the Pend-Scratch status can be removed without altering the expiration data through the Extend (X) option.

Expiring a Volume

When specifying Option E for a volume, the following window is opened:

Figure 73 Expire Volume Window

  DATABASE LIST <         +----------------------------------------+---------(TI)

  COMMAND ===>            |    Volume contains 0001 datasets       |ROLL===> CRSR

  O VOLSER/DATASET        |    They will be expired automatically  |ON   STATUS

  E RKL006         <----- |    IMMEDIATE EXPIRATION  N (Y/N)       |     Active

     AFILE                |    CONFIRM                 (Y/N)       |03   Active

     AFILE                +----------------------------------------+03   Active

    RKL007                                                               Active

     AFILE                                         01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active

     AFILE                                         **/**/**   CYCL 003   Active

    VER001                                                    06/06/00   Pend-Scr

     ACC.RS.TE.FF.ACC18.A.RCC70V00                 01/01/00   06/06/00   Pend-Scr

    VER003                                                    12/12/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.MOVE.TSSBAC.FILECHK.KEE23V00       01/01/00   12/12/00   Active

    VER005                                                    08/08/00   Vaulted

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RSSN.V3322276.BAT3005       01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0559V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0558V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0557V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0556V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0555V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0554V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0553V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0552V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

  USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                           17.10.06

Fill in the window as follows:

Table 94 Fields of the Expire Volume Window




Whether the expiration should take effect immediately. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Immediate expiration.
  • N (No) – Deferred expiration.


Whether or not expiration should be performed. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Perform the expiration request.
  • N (No) – Do not perform the expiration request .

Note: If the selected volume is part of a multi-volume chain, the entire group expires if immediate expiration is requested, or the entire group is marked as Pending-Scratch if deferred expiration is requested.

Expiring a Data Set

When specifying Option E for a data set, the following window is opened:

Figure 74 Expire Dataset Window

  DATABASE LIST < B / VD > --------------------------------------------------(TI)

  COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

  COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

  O VOLSER/DATASET        +------------------------------+    RETENTION  STATUS

    RKL006                |   IMMED EXPIRATION  N (Y/N)  |               Active

  E  AFILE         <----- |            CONFIRM    (Y/N)  |4   CYCL 003   Active

     AFILE                +------------------------------+4   CYCL 003   Active

    RKL007                                                               Active

     AFILE                                         01/01/00   CYCL 003   Active

     AFILE                                         **/**/**   CYCL 003   Active

    VER001                                                    06/06/00   Pend-Scr

     ACC.RS.TE.FF.ACC18.A.RCC70V00                 01/01/00   06/06/00   Pend-Scr

    VER003                                                    12/12/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.MOVE.TSSBAC.FILECHK.KEE23V00       01/01/00   12/12/00   Active

    VER005                                                    08/08/00   Vaulted

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RSSN.V3322276.BAT3005       01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0559V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0558V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0557V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0556V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0555V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0554V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0553V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

     ACC.YEARND.BAL.AX.RASD.G0552V00               01/01/00   08/08/00   Active

  USE OPT COMMAND TO DISPLAY/HIDE OPTION LIST                           17.10.06

Fill in the window as follows:

Table 95 Fields of the Expire Dataset Window




Whether or not the expiration should take effect immediately.

  • Y (Yes) – Immediate expiration.
  • N (No) – Deferred expiration.


Whether or not expiration should be performed.

  • Y (Yes) – Perform the expiration request.
  • N (No) – Do not perform the expiration request.

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