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TRCREST and TRCNCT2 parameters

These parameters determine the trace level with which the CONTROLR step is run during Control-M/Restart processing.

Note: Do not use this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC Customer Support.

Table 30 TRCEST and TRCNCT Parameters




Determines the trace level when Control-M/Restart performs a restart


Determines the trace level when Control-M/Restart performs Prevent NCT2 processing

Up to eight 1-digit values (1 through 8), separated by commas, can be specified for each of these parameters. Each value represents a particular trace level that is to be set to on. If a parameter is omitted, no trace level is set to on for that parameter.

Example 1

Set trace levels 1,4 and 7 on when the job is restarted:


Example 2

Set trace levels 1,4 and 7 on when running in Prevent NCT2 mode:

TRCNCT2 1,4,7

Parent Topic

Control parameters in the Control-M/Restart PARM library