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Control-M/Assist vs. Control-M for z/OS functionality

This chapter includes a comparison of the functionality available when using Control-M as the main scheduler in the z/OS environment, as opposed to the limited functionality Control-M/Assist provides.

This chapter gives a brief overview of the limited range of functionality of the Control-M/Assist solution as opposed to a fully implemented Control-M environment. We will use the GUI features available in Control-M/EM as the basis of our comparison.

Control-M/Assist consists of the following components: Control-M for z/OS, CMEM, Control-M Application Server, IOAGATE and Control-M/EM.

The Control-M/Assist solution is designed for customers who have chosen to purchase the Control-M distributed systems solution and wish to utilize Control-M/EM as the overall GUI from which to control and track the entire scheduling environment across all platforms (including the z/OS environment) but still want to retain a non-Control-M mainframe scheduling product.

First we discuss the limitations of Control-M/Assist.