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Special Considerations

DO SYSOUT requests are accumulated during block execution and performed when the block is exited.

No matter how many times the WHEN block is executed, a DO SYSOUT statement in a WHEN block is processed only once, because successive executions of the same DO SYSOUT statement would be meaningless.

"All sysout" operations (for example, DO SYSOUT operations where the FRM parameter is blank) override specific class operations. For example, if you delete all the sysouts from the job, it does not matter that other sysout operations have been specified. The entire output of the job is purged. Therefore, take precaution when mixing specific class operations with "all sysout" operations.

Changing a sysout class to a released class changes the class name. However, it does not release the sysout because the attributes do not change (according to JES logic). Likewise, changing a sysout class to a dummy class does not purge the sysout because the attributes do not change (according to JES logic).

Parent Topic

DO SYSOUT: Automated Balancing Statement