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General Information

AutoEdit variables can be used to pass information between Control-M/Analyzer rules and between Control-M/Analyzer and other INCONTROL products (Control-M, Control-D, Control-O, and so on). The following statements access AutoEdit members:

After DO PUTMEM is executed, AutoEdit variables belonging to the written member are deleted from memory and are unavailable for referencing (unless the member is again read by a DO GETMEM statement).

If member-name has been read by a DO GETMEM statement and exists in library LIBSYM, Control-M/Analyzer replaces the member with its current AutoEdit variables. If member-name has not been previously read (by a DO GETMEM statement) and does not exist in the LIBSYM library, Control-M/Analyzer creates the member. If member-name exists in the LIBSYM library but has not been previously read, modifications to the AutoEdit variables are not retained when the DO PUTMEM statement is performed. In this case, a runtime error occurs.

If an AutoEdit member is read by the DO GETMEM statement but its AutoEdit variables are not written back to the Database by the DO PUTMEM statement, a warning message is placed in the sysout of the job. The AutoEdit variable values are not saved.

Control-M/Analyzer AutoEdit variables and Local variables (preceded by the %% operator) can be embedded in parameters of the DO PUTMEM statement. The variables are resolved (replaced) at time of rule execution. For additional information on AutoEdit processing, see Chapter 3, "Control-M/Analyzer Variables." For additional information on AutoEdit processing, see Control-M/Analyzer Variables, and in particular Passing Variables to Blocks, Rules and User Routines.

For more information, see DO ADDSYM: Automated Balancing Statement, and DO GOTO: Automated Balancing Statement.

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DO PUTMEM: Automated Balancing Statement