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Database Variable Name Components

Table 131 describes the Database variable name components.

Note: The @ symbol does not appear on all keyboards. If your keyboard does not have this symbol, use the symbol whose hexadecimal representation is X`7C'.

Table 131 Database Variable Name Components



AutoEdit prefix

Prefix %% to the entire Database variable name (including prefix DB_) only when specifying AutoEdit substitution. See "AutoEdit Substitution of Database Variables" below.

Database prefix

Prefix DB_ to the Database variable name. This is a reserved prefix. It cannot be used for other types of Control-M/Analyzer variables. Prefix DB_ is mandatory when referring to a Database variable from within a rule definition. Prefix DB_ should not be specified when defining the Database variable.

Group name prefix

Name of the group to which the variable belongs. 1-20 characters. Optional.

If not specified, the group of the variable is assumed to be the group of the rule (meaning, the group under which the rule executes). If specified, a period (.) is used as the separator between the group name and variable name. However, if this Database variable will be resolved by AutoEdit substitution (meaning, it has a %% prefix) use a colon (:) as the separator between the group name and variable name.

For more information, see the examples that follow this table.

Variable name

Name of the variable, 1-20 characters. The first character must be alphabetic. Mandatory.

Variable names must be unique within a group. However, the same variable name may be specified in different groups.

Generation suffix

Numeric reference to the current or any previous value of the variable. Optional.

The prefix @G must precede the generation specification.

Generations are automatically numbered and renumbered from newest to oldest in ascending order. The current value (and default) is @G0, the preceding value is @G1, the value before the preceding value is @G2, and so on.

Date suffix

Date of Database variable creation. Optional. When specified, the date must be in yymmdd format.

The prefix @D must precede the date specification.

User key suffix

User-defined Database variable identifier. 1-20 alphanumeric characters. User keys can only contain alphanumeric characters. Optional.

The prefix @K must precede the user key specification.

Run ID suffix

Site-defined run identifier. Run IDs can only contain alphanumeric characters. Optional.

The prefix @R must precede the run ID specification.

The run identifier of all variables committed by a rule is determined by the value of System variable SYSRUNID. This variable must be set before the first DO COMMIT statement in the rule.

Note: When Database variables are accessed as input, each existing generation of a variable can be accessed by specifying its generation number or another attribute of the variable generation. When variables are accessed as output, only the user key attribute can be specified, indicating the user key of the newly created generation.

Parent Topic

Variable Generation Attributes