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Variable Generation Attributes

Control-M/Analyzer Database variables can serve as input for the evaluation process of a rule and can store results of rule processing for later use by other rules and for statistical and historical purposes.

Within a rule, a Database variable is referred to by the DB_ prefix, its optional group name prefix, and its variable name. Other attributes may be specified as suffixes to the variable name to precisely identify the Database variable by generation, creation date, user key and run ID.

Note: If a variable name does not start with the prefix DB_ in a rule definition, the variable is assumed to be a Local variable. The AutoEdit Operator %% can be specified as a prefix to a Database variable name. For additional information, see %% Operator.

The variable name, prefixes, and suffixes form the Variable Reference Statement. The Variable Reference Statement identifies the variable needed by a rule. A description of Database variable name components, an explanation of how they are structured to produce Database Variable Reference Statements, and examples of Database Variable Reference Statements are provided below.

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Database Variables