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IOA Log Show Screen Window

The IOA Log Show Screen window in the IOA Log screen enables you to create or modify a filter.

Fields of the IOA Log Show Screen Window

The IOA Log Show Screen window contains the fields described in Table 117.

Table 117 Fields of the IOA Log Show Screen Window




User-assigned name of the filter. The name entered in the FILTER field can be modified.

If changes to a filter have not been saved, an asterisk is displayed to the right of the filter name. For more information, see Closing the IOA Log Show Screen Window.


Specifies whether to save modifications to the filter upon closing the window.


User-defined description of the filter. The description entered here appears next to the name in the Displaying Filters window.

Note: The INCONTROL administrator can limit which installed INCONTROL products and options each user may access. However, because all INCONTROL products and the messages they issue are integrated, it may be important for users to see the messages of products and options to which they have no access. Therefore, the types of messages for all INCONTROL products are listed in the IOA Log Show Screen window, and by default, the messages of all installed products are listed in the IOA Log screen.

Fields that define the selection criteria to be applied to the screen are described below. Fill in the selection criteria as necessary.

Note: The selection criteria marked with the P symbol act on a prefix basis. For example, typing CTB in the CODE field causes the retrieval of all IOA Log file messages that start with CTB.

Table 118 IOA Log Screen Show Filters Window Selection Criteria



CB message type

To limit the type of log messages displayed, specify Y (Yes) or N (No) under the desired message type. Valid message type codes:

  • RUNTIME – Messages related to balancing activities produced by the Control-M/Analyzer Runtime Environment.
  • DO SHOUT – Messages written to the IOA Log file by the DO SHOUT parameter. For more information, see DO SHOUT: Automated Balancing Statement.
  • DAILY – Mission related messages ordered by the New Day procedure.
  • GENERAL – General messages on Control-M/Analyzer operation.
  • STATISTICS – Statistical information on Control-M/Analyzer operation.

Note: Selection criteria identified by "CB message type" are specific to Control-M/Analyzer. Other selection criteria, such as those described below, are primarily applicable to other INCONTROL products, but may also be available to Control-M/Analyzer.


Show only IOA Log file messages with the specified message IDs or prefixes. A maximum of six message IDs or prefixes can be specified.


Mark Y (Yes) or N (No) to specify the desired urgency of messages. Urgent and very urgent messages are highlighted.


Show only messages of the specified user IDs. A maximum of five user IDs can be specified.

Note: The MEM/MIS, JOBNAME, CATEGORY, and GROUP selection criteria (described below) only affect the display of messages related to a mission. Messages not related to a mission are not affected by these selection criteria and are displayed unless suppressed by other selection criteria.


Limit displayed messages to the specified member or mission names. A maximum of five member or mission names can be specified. Messages not related to a mission are not affected by this show limit.


Limit displayed messages to the specified job names. A maximum of five job names can be specified. Messages not related to a job are not affected by this show limit.


Limit displayed messages to the specified categories. A maximum of two categories can be specified. Messages not related to a mission are not affected by this show limit.


Limit displayed messages to the specified groups. A maximum of four groups can be specified. Messages not related to a mission are not affected by this show limit.

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IOA Log Screen