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Filtering the IOA Log Screen Display

Screen filters can be used to filter the IOA Log screen display.

A filter consists of a set of record selection criteria (selection fields and their values). Only records that conform to the selection criteria specified in the filter are displayed on the screen.

The INCONTROL administrator can predefine filters and place them in the General profile.

Each user can activate an existing filter in the IOA Log screen by entering the SHOW command in the COMMAND line of the IOA Log screen.

Each user can define multiple filters for the screen, through the IOA Log Show Screen window, which is described in "Fields of the IOA Log Show Screen Window" under IOA Log Show Screen Window. User-defined filters belong to, are assigned names by, and can only be activated by, the user who defined them. They are stored in the user profile.

You can see the list of all available filters by opening the Display Filters window.

A predefined default filter (DEFAULT) is defined for the IOA Log screen. Site-defined defaults determine whether the last filter used or the DEFAULT filter is activated upon reentry to the IOA Log screen.

Activating an existing filter in the IOA Log screen

The SHOW command can be used to activate an existing filter when you know the name of the filter.

SHOW name

In this command, name is the name of the filter to be activated.

Parent Topic

IOA Log Screen