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Print Option Window

The P option opens the Print Option window, which enables you to print the Rule Activity report for the specified invocation, either to the printer or to a data set. Fields are provided in the window for the specification of print criteria.

Note: The P option can only be specified for invocations with a Report field specification of Y.

Figure 83 Print Option Window

 RULE ACTIVITY  <D> GROUP *                    USERID           JOBNAME

 COMMAND ===>        +---------------------------------------------------------+

 O JOBNAME  JOBID ST |                                                         |

   M18CTB    4234 ST |   PRINT OPTION ===>                                     |

   M55ATB    5738 ST |                                                         |

   M43BLL    5758 ST |    1  Print report                                      |

 P M18TINVD  5849 ST |    2  Write report to data set                          |

   M18TINV   5876 ST |    X  Exit (no action)                                  |

   M43G0     5894 ST |                                                         |

   ADMIN     4127 ST |    COPIES 001                 CLASS Y                   |

   M43G1     4134 ST |                                                         |

   CURRMIS   4145 ST |    DEST                       WTR                       |

   CURRMIS   5732 ST |                                                         |

   M18TINV   5749 ST |    DSN                                                  |

   M18TINVE  5799 ST |                                                         |

   M18TINVD  5807 ST |    APPEND Y                                             |

   M18CTB    5857 ST |                                                         |

   M55CTB    5886 ST |    JOBNAME M55ATB    OWNER M55       RULE WHEN1         |

   M43BLL    5916 ST |                                                         |

   M43BLL    5918 ST +---------------------------------------------------------+

   M18TINVD  5926 STEP54            08/08/99 11:52 11:54 ARSETVAR  OK      0000

   M18TINV   5932 STEP23            08/08/99 15:05 15:05 ARWARN01  NOTOK   0003

   M43GO     5964 STEP12            08/08/99 16:11 16:11 ARWARN01  NOTOK   0003

 OPTIONS:   V VIEW L LOG R REPORT B ROLL BACK P PRINT                   13.30.56

The options described in Table 101 are available from the Print Option window.

Table 101 Options of the Print Option Window



1 (Print report)

The Rule Activity report is sent to the printer specified in the DEST/WTR field.

2 (Write report to data set)

The Rule Activity report is immediately written to the previously allocated data set specified in the DSN field.

X (Exit – no action)

The Rule Activity report is not printed. The Print Option window is closed and the Rule Activity display is displayed on the screen.

The parameters described in Table 102 can be modified in the Print Option window:

Table 102 Modifiable Parameters of the Print Option Window




Number of cop]ies to print when option 1 is selected. The number of copies can be between 001 and 255.


Name of the output class to which the Rule Activity report should be printed when option 1 is selected.


Printer destination where the report should be printed when option 1 is selected (or blank for the main computer printer). Two DEST fields are provided for the specification of remote printer destinations. Each destination can be a maximum of eight characters.

Note: When specifying the WTR field, only one DEST field can be specified.


Name of the external writer where the report should be printed when option 1 is selected (or blank for the main computer external writer).


Specifies the desired display type (or format) of the Rule Activity display.


Note: The data set specified in the DSN field must already be catalogued.


Indication of whether the Rule Activity report should be appended to, or overwrite the contents of, the data set specified in the DSN field when Option 2 is selected. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – The current report is appended to the end of the data set (meaning, disposition of the file is MOD).
  • N (No) – The current report replaces the contents of the data set (meaning, disposition of the file is SHR).

The fields describe in Table 103 are displayed in the Print Option window. These fields are displayed for informative purposes and cannot be modified:

Table 103 Non-Modifiable Fields of the Print Option Window




Name of the job.


Owner of the job.


Name of the rule that created the Rule Activity report.

The message "PRINT REQUEST COMPLETED OK" appears when the report is printed (either to the printer or to a data set).

To exit the Print Option window without printing, select Option X. The Print Option window is closed and the Rule Activity display is displayed on the screen.

Note: The Rule Activity report is contained in the SYSPRINT member, which is created automatically during the Control-M/Analyzer invocation.

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Rule Activity Report Viewing Screen