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Rollback Confirmation Window

The B option displays the Rollback Confirmation window that enables you to confirm the rollback of the Database variables committed by the specified rule invocations.

Note: The B option can only be specified for invocations that have committed Database variables. These invocations have a Committed field value greater than 0.

Figure 82 Rollback Confirmation Window

 RULE ACTIVITY   <A> GROUP *                    USERID          JOBNAME

 COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

 O JOBNAME  JOBID STEPNAME             GROUP                OWNER     INV#

   M72ANS    4487 STEP01               INTRAC               M66       0001

   Rule   : ARWARN04 Mission: (NOMISS) Category : (NO-CATEGORY)

   Date   : 08/08/00 Start  : 11:07    End      : 11:08

   Status : NOTOK    Code   : 0999     Committed: 0000  Variables

   Remark :

   Report :           +------------------------+

 -----------          |                        |--------------------------------

 B M72ANS    <--------|   CONFIRM      (Y/N)   |            M66       0001

   Rule   :           |                        |  (NO-CATEGORY)

   Date   :           +------------------------+  11:12

   Status : OK       Code   : 0009     Committed: 0006  Variables

   Remark :

   Report : Y

 -------------------------------- END OF DATA ----------------------------------

 B M72ANSGS  4055 STEP4                INTRAC               M66       0001

   Rule   : ARSETVAR Mission: (NOMISS) Category : (NO-CATEGORY)

   Date   : 08/08/00 Start  : 19:22    End      : 19:22

   Status : OK       Code   : 0000     Committed: 0043  Variables

   Remark :

   Report : Y

 OPTIONS:   V VIEW L LOG R REPORT B ROLL BACK P PRINT                  13.51.31

A confirmation window is displayed for each invocation selected for rollback.

Specify Y (Yes) in the window to confirm the rollback request, and press Enter. The Database variables committed during the invocation of the rule are "deleted" and the confirmation window is closed.

Specify N (No) to cancel the rollback request, and press Enter. The Database variables are not changed and the confirmation window is closed.

For additional information on rolling back variable values see Rollback Facility.

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Rule Activity Report Viewing Screen