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Basic Scheduling Parameters

Basic Scheduling parameters specify on what dates the mission can be activated. These parameters are relevant only under certain implementation techniques. For more information see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Figure 59 Basic Scheduling Parameters


DAYS                                                          DCAL         


WDAYS                                                         WCAL         

MONTHS  1-   2-   3-   4-   5-   6-   7-   8-   9-   10-   11-   12-       


CONFCAL          SHIFT   RETRO N MAXWAIT 99                                

MINIMUM          PDS                                                       


Table 66 Basic Scheduling Parameters




Days of the month to activate this mission. A maximum of two lines can be specified.

  • DCAL – DAYS calendar specification.
  • AND/OR – Conjunctional parameter that links parameters DAYS and WDAYS.
    – A (AND) Both DAYS and WDAYS criteria must be met in
       order for a mission to be activated.
    – O (OR) Either DAYS or WDAYS criteria must be met in
       order for a mission to be activated. Default.


Days of the week to activate the mission. A maximum of two lines may be specified.

  • WCAL – WDAYS calendar specification.


Months to activate the mission.


Specific dates in the year to activate the mission.


DAYS                                                          DCAL         


WDAYS                                                         WCAL         

MONTHS  1-   2-   3-   4-   5-   6-   7-   8-   9-   10-  11-  12-         


CONFCAL          SHIFT   RETRO N MAXWAIT 99                                

MINIMUM          PDS                                                       


Table 67 Additional Basic Scheduling Parameters




Name of a calendar used for mission activation confirmation.

SHIFT indicates if and when a mission should be activated when it fails confirmation by the CONFCAL calendar. Valid values are:

  • blank – Do not activate the mission. Default.
  • < – Shift the scheduling date to the previous CONFCAL working day.
  • > – Shift the scheduling date to the next CONFCAL working day.


Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – The mission is to be activated (retroactively) after the original scheduling date has passed.
  • N (No) – The mission is not to be activated after the original scheduling date has passed. Default.


Number of "extra chance" days to try to activate a mission if the original scheduling date of the mission has passed.


Minimum number of free tracks in a PDS (partitioned data set) under which the mission is activated. The mission is activated if the number of free tracks is less than the minimum.


Name of partitioned data set (library) to be checked for free space.

Parent Topic

Mission Definition Screen