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Specifying Comments

Comments are free text descriptions of rule definition parameters that are stored in a rule definition member. BMC recommends that comments be inserted within rule definitions for clarification and documentation. Comments are not processed during rule execution.

To insert a comment, position the cursor at the line before which the comment should be inserted and press CMNT (PF04/PF16). A comment line is opened beginning with the symbol /*. To insert additional lines, fill in the current line and press Enter.

Note: Comments can also be inserted by typing the CMNT command in the COMMAND field, moving the cursor to the line before which the comment should be inserted, and pressing Enter.

The Rule Definition screen illustrated in Figure 48 illustrates comment usage:

Figure 48 Illustration of Rule Definition Comment Usage

    LIBRARY : CTB.PROD.RULES                                RULE : REORDER

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


OWNER   M43                      GROUP ACCT_INV                            

UPDATED 07/07/00  -  15:25:54    BY M43                                    





/* INVENTORY ITEM CHR001.                                                  

EXECUTE SETUP    UPON                                                   C  

ON DATA                                                                    


  DO SET      = MIN_CHR001=100                                          C  


             (ENTER "ALWAYS", "IF")                                        




EXECUTE CHECK    UPON                                                   C  


   MODE PG    LINECT 0060    DATASTAMP                                 

WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 010     - 020              STOP    AND/OR  

  PLEASE FILL IN RULE DEFINITION.                                        08.47.46

An unlimited number of comment lines may be specified within a rule definition.

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Rule Definition Screen