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Automated Balancing Action Statements: DO Statement

The Automated Balancing Action statements of Control-M/Analyzer permit the specification of processing instructions and post-processing actions during rule execution.

These actions are specified by DO statements. The DO statement specifies an action to be taken. An unlimited number of DO statements are permitted.

To specify Automated Balancing Action statements, type the action keyword next to DO on the Rule Definition screen and press Enter. Depending on the specified action, different subparameters are displayed on the screen.

Note: It is usually not necessary to enter the full action keyword; the shortest unique abbreviation is sufficient.

DOM Options

The following are a description and example of each of the DO statement options.

DO ADDSYM – Adds an AutoEdit variable to an AutoEdit member that has been read (using statement DO GETMEM).

WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 010     - 020              STOP    AND/OR  

     STRING = CHR001                                                       

  DO ADDSYM   = CHR001                                         MEM CHRSYM  

                LIBSYM CTB.PROD.SYMBOLS                                    


DO BLOCK – Processes another EXECUTE block within the current rule (as long as the EXECUTE criteria of the called block are met).

WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 010     - 020              STOP    AND/OR  

       STRING = CHR001                                                       

     DO BLOCK    = NEXTBLOC ARG                                            C  


DO CALLUSER – Calls a user routine.

WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 010     - 020              STOP    AND/OR  

     STRING = CHR001                                                       

  DO CALLUSER = COMP001  ARG                                            C  


DO COMMIT – Determines the method by which Database variables are committed (written) to the Database.

WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 010     - 020              STOP    AND/OR   

   STRING = CHR001                                                        

      DO COMMIT   = ALL      VAR                                            C   


DO COND – Adds or deletes prerequisite conditions.

WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 010     - 020              STOP    AND/OR  

     STRING = CHR001                                                       

  DO COND     = ACCT_BALANCE_OK      ODAT +                                


DO EXIT – Immediately terminates the current block. Control passes to the statement that called the block, if there is one.

  WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 010     - 020              STOP    AND/OR  

     STRING = END OF DATA                                                  

  DO EXIT                                          


DO EXTRACT – Available when ON DATA is not specified. Assigns a value to a variable. The value is extracted from the current data source.

WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 010     - 020              STOP    AND/OR  

    STRING = CHR001                                                       

 DO EXTRACT  = CURR_ONHAND                                                

               LEVEL 0 LINE +000 COL +050 - +060 PROCESS          TYP     


DO GETMEM – Reads (accesses) an AutoEdit member, enabling the use of its AutoEdit symbols for AutoEdit substitution and variable setting.

WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 010     - 020              STOP    AND/OR  

     STRING = CHR001                                                       

  DO GETMEM   = CHRSYM                                                     

                LIBSYM CTB.PROD.SYMBOLS                                    


DO GOTO – Processes the IF or ALWAYS parameter in the current ON DATA block whose label matches the specified LABEL name.

WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 010     - 020              STOP    AND/OR  

     STRING = CHR001                                                       

  DO GOTO     LABEL NEXTLOOP                                               


DO PRINT – Prints the specified data string to the Control-M/Analyzer default output DD statement and to the Control-M/Analyzer Rule Activity report.


IF       CURR_ONHAND>=MIN_CHR001                                        C  

  DO PRINT    = DO NOT REORDER; SURPLUS=%%DIFFER                    F   C  



DO PUTMEM – Writes a member back to the library for future use by Control-M/Analyzer or other INCONTROL products.

 WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 010     - 020              STOP    AND/OR  

     STRING = CHR001                                                       

  DO PUTMEM   = CHRMEM                                                     

                LIBSYM CTB.PROD.SYMBOLS                                    


DO REMARK – Adds a user-defined remark to the Rule Activity report, which summarizes the Control-M/Analyzer invocation.

WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 010     - 020              STOP    AND/OR  

     STRING = CHR001                                                       



DO RULE – Invokes another rule from within the current rule.

WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 010     - 020              STOP    AND/OR  

     STRING = CHR001                                                       

  DO RULE     = RULE1    ARG                                            C  


DO SET – Assigns a value to a Database, AutoEdit, or Local variable.



  DO SET      = DIFFER=ABS(CURR_ONHAND-MIN_CHR001)                      C  

  DO SET      = REASON=TOLER(CURR_ONHAND,MIN_CHR001,10)                 C  


DO SHOUT – Sends a message to a specified destination when the identifying string in the WHEN statement is found.

WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 010     - 020              STOP    AND/OR  

     STRING = CHR001                                                       

  DO SHOUT    TO TSO-M43             URGENCY R                             

   = INVENTORY MUST BE REORDERED AT 17:00                                  


DO TERMINAT – Requests rule termination and determines the status of the rule by defining termination codes. The rule is terminated after this statement.

WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 010     - 020              STOP    AND/OR  

     STRING = CHR001                                                       

  DO TERMINAT = TOLER    COD 0001                                          


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