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Working Object Databases

Working Object databases are scanned periodically by Control-O/COSMOS to determine if specified objects are in their desired statuses. When Control-O/COSMOS is activated, rows containing object-related information are copied from the Source Object Databases to Working Object databases.

Most columns in Working Object databases contain information copied from the Source Object databases. However, certain additional columns are added for information required for ongoing Control-O/COSMOS operations.

Each Working Object database must contain all columns in the Source Object database except for ATIPL and NOTIPL. In addition, the following columns must appear in the Working Object database:

Table 14 Working Object Database – Column Descriptions




Current status of the object.


Desired status of the object. The value inserted in this field can be copied from a specific Source Object database column (ATIPL, NOTIPL or DESIRED) or it can be set according to a global preference, depending on the option chosen when Control-O/COSMOS is started.


Text created by Control-O/COSMOS with object-related information.


Name of the Control-O/COSMOS rule that last changed object status or mode.


ID assigned by the operating system to the current run of the object (for example, job ID of the started task).


Number of times a Control-O/COSMOS action has been attempted unsuccessfully (meaning, the number of unsuccessful attempts made to change the current status of the object since the last time its status was changed).


Number of times the status of the object changed since Control-O/COSMOS was activated.

For started task objects, it is recommended that the following columns be included:

Table 15 Started Task Objects – Columns




Last reply ID.


Command character (when necessary to issue operator commands to the started task).

The following screen segment contains sample content of a Working Object database (as displayed in the Object Status screen):

Figure 11 Working Object Database Example


      JES2     UP       UP       BASE     FREE     CD=OU

      VTAM     DOWN     UP       COMM     FREE     CD=DU PR=JES2

      CICP     DOWN     UP       DC       FREE     CD=DU PR=VTAM APLCICP

      CICT     DOWN     UP       DC       FREE     CD=DU PR=VTAM

      TCP      DOWN     UP       COMM     FREE     CD=DU PR=VTAM APLTCP

      IDMS     DOWN     UP       DB       FREE     CD=DU PR=JES2

      IMS      DOWN     UP       DB       FREE     CD=DU PR=JES2

      NETV     DOWN     UP       COMM     FREE     CD=DU PR=VTAM JES2 APLNETV

      OMON     DOWN     UP       IOA      FREE     CD=DU PR=JES2 APLOMON

      CTM      DOWN     UP       IOA      FREE     CD=DU PR=JES2

      CTD      DOWN     UP       IOA      FREE     CD=DU PR=JES2

      ADAB     DOWN     UP       DB       FREE     CD=DU PR=JES2

      DB2T     DOWN     UP       DB2      FREE     CD=DU PR=JES2

Note: This sample shows the Default display type of the Object Status screen. Additional columns of the Working Object database can be viewed using other display types of this screen. For more information, see Control-O/COSMOS Object Status Screen.

Parent Topic

Creating and Maintaining Object Databases