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Source Object Databases

When Control-O/COSMOS is started, information is copied from the Source Object databases to the Working Object databases.

Addition, modification and deletion of Control-O/COSMOS-controlled objects are performed on only the Source Object databases. These operations are performed using the Variable Database Definition facility (screen IV), described in Online Facilities.

Each object is described by a row in the Source Object database. The following columns must be included in the Source Object database:

Table 13 Required Columns in the Source Object Database




Name of the object (for example, CICSTEST, CICSPROD, JES2, LU1290).


Desired status of the object (for example, UP, or DOWN).


Object operating mode. For more information, see Control-O/COSMOS Rules. valid values:

  • FREE – Control-O/COSMOS performs normal operations on the object.
  • HELD – Control-O/COSMOS does not perform any operations on the object.
  • FORCE_OK – Control-O/COSMOS changes the desired status to match the current status. If the current status is changed, Control-O/COSMOS modifies the desired status to match the new current status.
  • NOPRE – Control-O/COSMOS does not check prerequisites before searching the Method database for a method to change the objects current state to its desired state.


Class of the object (for example, CICS). This field is used as an alternative to matching the object’s name when searching for a method to change the current status.


Free text description of the object.


Generate debugging information created when Control-O/COSMOS handles the object. If Y is specified, the Debug facility is activated and a SHOUT message is issued each time a Control-O/COSMOS-controlled object’s status is changed.


User-defined group name for the object.


User-defined application name for the application of the object. This field can be used as a common descriptive name for object groups (meaning, for one or more different groups).


ID of a CPU, or ALL.

This field is used to determine which objects are copied to the Working Object databases in each CPU. If ALL is specified for an object, that object is copied to the Working Object database in each CPU.


Value of the desired status if Control-O/COSMOS is started during an IPL.


Value of the desired status if Control-O/COSMOS is not started by during IPL.


Optional user-supplied information. This information does not affect Control-O/COSMOS. This value appears in the USER-I field in the All Fields display type of the Control-O/COSMOS Objects Status screen.


Same as USERDAT1, but not shown in the All Fields display type.


A value of N indicates that IEF403I sets the object's status to UP without waiting for an additional message (such as "… initialization complete" or "… is ready").


Reserved for future use; not shown in the All Fields display type.

The following screen segment contains sample content of a Source Object database (as displayed in the Variable Database screen):

Figure 10 Source Object Database Example



    00001000  ALL        JES2      DOWN      UP        DOWN      FREE     BASE

    00002000  ALL        VTAM      DOWN      UP        DOWN      FREE     COMM

    00003000  ALL        CICP      DOWN      UP        DOWN      FREE     DC

    00004000  ALL        CICT      DOWN      UP        DOWN      FREE     DC

    00005000  ALL        TCP       DOWN      UP        DOWN      FREE     COMM

    00006000  ALL        IDMS      DOWN      UP        DOWN      FREE     DB

    00007000  ALL        IMS       DOWN      UP        DOWN      FREE     DB

    00008000  ALL        NETV      DOWN      UP        DOWN      FREE     COMM

    00009000  ALL        OMON      DOWN      UP        DOWN      FREE     IOA

Note: Only seven columns of the Source Object database can be displayed at one time. Additional columns can be viewed by using the RIGHT and LEFT scrolling conventions.

Information in the Source Object database is copied to columns with the same names in the Working Object database. If a column exists in the Source Object database, and no column with the same name is found in the Working Object database, information in that column is not copied.

Note: Columns ATIPL, NOTIPL and DESIRED (described above) are not copied to the Working Object database. These fields are used by Control-O/COSMOS initialization procedures to determine the startup value for the DESIRED column in the Working Object database. The Control-O/COSMOS startup option is specified in response to a WTOR message issued by command COSINI, described in COSINI Command – Starting Control-O/COSMOS.

Parent Topic

Creating and Maintaining Object Databases