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Object Databases

As mentioned earlier, Control-O/COSMOS monitors objects (started tasks, I/O devices, and so on) in the environment and maintains those objects in their specified desired status. It is therefore necessary to provide Control-O/COSMOS with a list and description of those objects. This information about Control-O/COSMOS-controlled objects is stored in Object databases.

Each row in an Object database contains information about a specific object (for example, object name, class, current status, desired status and mode). Multiple Object databases can be defined.

Control-O/COSMOS periodically scans the current and desired status for each object in the Object databases. If the current and desired statuses for an object do not match, Control-O/COSMOS attempts to bring the object to the desired status (meaning, so that the current status matches the desired status).

Object databases must reflect your current computing environment. They can be generated manually, or they can be automatically generated using the SYSIMAGE facility, as described in SYSIMAGE Facility – Automatic Generation of an Object Database.

Attributes of the objects in the Object databases can be modified by the user at any time to reflect desired changes in the environment or changes that have already occurred.

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Control-O/COSMOS Databases