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SYSIMAGE Facility – Automatic Generation of an Object Database

The SYSIMAGE facility is used to automatically generate an object database that reflects your working environment. Table 28 describes the components that make up the SYSIMAGE facility:

Table 28 SYSIMAGE Facility Components



CTOCTI utility

This utility, located in the JCL library, scans the system for started tasks, and issues messages with started task information.

An input file for the CTOCTI utility is used to specify information about started tasks in your environment. Ensure that the information in this file is as complete and accurate as possible, so that the automatically generated object database contains an accurate description of your environment.

For more information about the CTOCTI utility, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

CTOCTA utility

This utility, located in the JCL library, provides the names of programs to be executed from a specified address space. This helps determine the information to be included in the input file for the CTOCTI utility.

For more information about the CTOCTA utility, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

CTO659I rule

A Control-O rule triggered by message CTO659I, issued by the CTOCTI utility.

This rule creates an object database row for each occurrence of the message, according to information in the message.

By default, the rule inserts rows in object database COSIMGSD. This object database is defined in the DAGLBLST member with an attribute of DBINPUT, which means that no changes can be made to this database.

This rule can be customized, for example, to automatically create rows in the prerequisite database or method definitions in a method database.

To implement the SYSIMAGE facility, perform the following steps:

  1. Run the CTOCTI utility to identify started tasks that were not defined in the input file to the utility.
  2. If the CTOCTI utility reports undefined tasks, do the following:
    1. Run the CTOCTA utility to determine which information is inaccurate or missing from the input file.
    2. Update the input file.
    3. Rerun the CTOCTI utility.
    4. Repeat these steps until the desired tasks are defined in the input file.
  3. When you are satisfied with the contents of the input file, do one of the following:

    Rows reflecting the objects (resources) in your system are added to a specified object database in memory. Use the WRITEGLOBAL command to update the object database in the Control-O Variable Database files. For more information, see the Control-O chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

  4. Rerun the CTOCTI utility.

    For more information about utilities CTOCTA and CTOCTI, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide. For more information about valid attributes for variable databases, see the Control-O chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

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