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Defining the Date Control Record for a User Daily Job

In your PARM library is a member called DATERECU. This is the model Date Control record provided with Control-M. The sample Date Control record is displayed similar to the following:

****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************

000001 301000           301000 301000            301000 301000           301000

****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

The Date Control record contains an example date that is repeated several times in specific columns. The integrity of these columns must be maintained. The date must appear in the Date Control record of a User Daily job in the following columns:

Each User Daily requires its own Date Control record. You will use this model record to create a Date Control record for the User Daily that you have just created. As you can see from the step you just performed, you are going to call the Date Control record for this User Daily IDDCRU.

  1. In the PARM library, copy member DATERECU and call it IDDCRU.
  2. Edit member IDDCRU and, without changing the column positions, replace the old dates with the current working date. Then exit the member.

    Once you have created a Date Control record for a User Daily, Control-M automatically updates the date information in the record. This is one of the great advantage of using User Dailies to order jobs. You do not have to update date information in a DAJOB DD statement each day, because Control-M provides the updated information through the Date Control record.

    This appearance of the date six times (instead of once) in the Date Control record of a User Daily enables Control-M to manage the process of job ordering. At each stage in the job ordering process, the current original scheduling date is placed in one of these fields.

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User Daily Jobs