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Defining the JCL of a User Daily Job
  1. Based on the above JCL, define a User Daily in member IDUDJ1, but do not exit the JCL:

    //         JCLLIB  ORDER=your.proclib.PROCLIB                           

    //         INCLUDE MEMBER=IOASET                                     

    //GTSTRT5  EXEC CTMDAILY,                                            

    //            DATEREC=DATERECU                 <== CHANGE   

    //DAJOB     DD    *




    The DAJOB DD statement looks familiar because these parameters are ultimately passed to CTMJOB. Therefore, any syntax that is valid for passing parameters to program CTMJOB, as demonstrated in previous steps in this chapter, can be used in the User Daily job.

    But there is a difference. Note that the order statements do not contain date parameters as they did in the previous steps. Instead the date information is provided by a record called the Date Control record. You can now identify the Date Control record to the job, and then create this Date Control record, using the DATEREC parameter in the procedure that points to the member containing the Date Control record.

    Now note the statement DATEREC=DATERCU. You should examine this item for a moment.

  2. In the JCL, change this statement:

    //            DATEREC=DATERECU

    to this statement:

    //              DATEREC=IDDCRU

    and then exit the JCL.

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User Daily Jobs