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Displaying the List of Available Filters

Control-M is supplied with several predefined filters, including a filter called DEFAULT. In addition to any filters you define, the INCONTROL administrator can predefine filters and place them in the General profile.

Site-defined defaults determine whether the last filter used, or the DEFAULT filter, will be activated upon reentry to the Active Environment screen.

If you are unsure of a filter name, you can display the list of available filters in the Display Filters window. The display includes all globally available filters as well as filters that you have defined.

You can then select a filter from the Display Filters window for activation or editing.

  1. Enter the command SHOW ? in the COMMAND field. The Display Filters window is opened, displaying the list of available filters.

    Figure 47 Active Environment Screen Display Filters Window

    Filter: IDWS    * ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

    O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------

      IDJOB4   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                 

      IDJOB5   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                 

      IDJOB6   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                 

    =====+-----------------------------------+obs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========

         |          DISPLAY FILTERS          |                                     

         | CMD ==>           SCROLL==> CRSR  |                                     

         |  O NAME     DESCRIPTION           |                                     

         |    CONFIRM  WAIT CONFIRM. JOBS    |                                     

         |    DEL      ONLY DELETED JOBS     |                                     

         |    END      ALL ENEDED JOBS       |                                     

         |    ENDNOTOK ENEDED NOT-OK JOBS    |                                     

         |    ENDOK    ENEDED OK JOBS        |                                     

         |    EXEC     EXECUTING JOBS        |                                     

         |    LATE     LATE JOBS             |                                     

         |    WAIT     JOBS ON WAIT QUEUE    |                                     

         |    ECSALL   ALL JOBS IN AJF       |                                     

         |    IDGS     GS-EXERCISES          |                                     

         |    IDWS     GS-WAITSCHED          |                                     

         |  OPTIONS  S  SELECT  E  EDIT      |                                     

    Comma+-----------------------------------+Fresh Auto Jobstat SHPF Note Table   

              OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     14.13.03

    The Display Filters window displays the following information:




    Name of the filter as it appears in the General or User profile.


    Description of the filter (if provided).

    Note: Control-M supplied filters do not display descriptions.

    You can select a filter from the list for activation or editing by specifying the appropriate option in the O (option) field to the left of the filter name: Valid options are



    S (SELECT)

    Activate the filter. The display of jobs in the Active Environment screen is filtered according to the filter criteria.

    E (EDIT)

    Display the filter's filtering criteria in the Show Screen Filter window to enable editing of the filter.

  2. Enter S in the OPTION field by filter IDGS to activate filter IDGS. The window is closed, but the Active Environment screen display has not changed, because you are at the bottom of the display.
  3. Use the PFKeys to scroll to the top of the screen. The Active Environment screen display conforms to the criteria of filter IDGS.

    Filter: IDGS      ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

    O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------

      IDJOB1   ID       020201 M21     /08915   JOB Ended "OK"                   

      GRPSCHD  ID       020201                  TBL Active - In Error            

      IDJOB2   ID       020201 M21     /08916   JOB Ended "OK"                   

      IDJOB3   ID       020201 M21     /08917   JOB Ended- Not "OK" Due to CC   

      IDJOB4   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                

      IDJOB5   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                

      IDJOB6   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                

    ========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========

    Note: To deactivate all filters, that is, to display the full Active Environment screen without any filter showing, you can enter the command SHOW nonfilter EDIT, where nonfilter is NOT the name of an existing filter. Delete the name from the Filter field, and press Enter.

Parent Topic

A Closer Look At Filters