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A Closer Look At Filters

In anticipation of taking a closer look at filters, you can run the jobs you prepared, and then look at the results in the Active Environment screen.

  1. Order the following jobs, in the following order:
  2. Enter the Active Environment screen and activate the filter IDGS. The following screen is displayed:

    Filter: IDGS      ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

    O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------

      IDJOB1   ID       020201 M21     /08915   JOB Ended "OK"                    

      GRPSCHD  ID       020201                  TBL Active - In Error             

      IDJOB2   ID       020201 M21     /08916   JOB Ended "OK"                    

      IDJOB3   ID       020201 M21     /08917   JOB Ended- Not "OK" Due to CC     

      IDJOB4   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                 

      IDJOB5   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                 

      IDJOB6   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                 

    ========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========












    Commands: OPt DIsplay Show HIstory RBal REFresh Auto Jobstat SHPF Note Table  

              OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     14.13.03

    These results are not surprising. Job IDJOB3 did not end OK due to condition code C0008. And because of the defined job dependencies, the remaining jobs have a status of Wait Schedule.

    You can now take a closer look at filters in the Active Environment screen. In Introduction to Control-M, you created filter IDGS, and in subsequent chapters, you activated this filter by entering the SHOW IDGS command.

    To display the filter criteria of this same filter for editing, you should add the keyword EDIT at the end of the command. You can now edit filter IDGS.

  3. Enter the command SHOW IDGS EDIT. The Show Screen Filter window displays the filtering criteria for filter IDGS.

    Figure 46 Show Screen Filter Window

    --------------------------- Show Screen Filter -----------------------(3.SHOW)-

    Filter IDGS       Save   (Y/N) Desc: GS-EXERCISES                          


    Group   IDGRP                                                              

    ======== In Process Y ======= | Ended          Y | ======= State Y ========


    Wait Sched   Y  Wait time   Y | Ended "OK"     Y | Free      Y  Forced OK Y

    Wait Conf    Y  Wait Cond   Y | Not "OK"       Y | Held      Y  Tbl Held  Y

    Wait SUB     Y  Wait quant  Y | Rerun          Y | On Req    Y  CMEM Forc Y

    Submitted    Y  Wait contrl Y | Disappeared    Y | Deleted   N  Note      Y

    Wait Exec    Y  TblActive  Y  | Abended        Y | Late      Y  Restarted Y

    Executing    Y                | Unexpected CC  Y | Pseudo    Y             

    On Out Queue Y                | JCL Error      Y |                        

    Task Type: Job Cyc Emr Stc Cst Est Ecj Ecs Wrn Tbl Tbc                     

                 Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y                     

    Res Name                                                                  

    Resource Type: In Y Out Y Conds Y Resource Y Control Y                     


    Odate:  From              To               Priority                        

    Job                       Appl                                             

    CPU Id           LPAR                                                      

    Sch Lib                                                                    


              OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     11.07.49

    You have already seen that you choose whether to save a new filter by specifying Y, or N, in the Save field, and pressing Enter. You can use this same field to choose whether to save changes to an existing filter.

    Note: Specifying N (No) does not cancel changes made to a filter. It only means that they will not be permanently saved. They will, however, remain in memory. This applies even if you are editing a new filter, that is, specifying N and exiting the filter leaves the new filter in memory. To cancel changes to a filter, close the window by pressing PF04/PF16 to enter the RESET command. The changes are canceled regardless of the value specified in the Save field.

    The purpose in filtering the display was to ensure that the screen only displays those jobs that you used in your exercises. You took two steps to accomplish this purpose

    1. You ensured that all jobs in the exercises belonged to a Group prefixed by IDGRP.
    2. You then filtered the display based on this Group name prefix of IDGRP.

    You could have accomplished the purpose using the following filter criteria:

    Clearly, filtering on Odate would not have accomplished your purpose. However, Odate is useful for filtering when you only want to see jobs scheduled for a specific Odate.

    The middle portion of the window is divided into three columns. These columns are all status related. For example, you can include (or exclude) jobs that have a Wait Schedule, Wait Confirmation, and/or Ended "OK" status. To learn the details of the relationship between these status columns, and their header topics, In Process, Ended, State, refer to the description in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.

    If you filter on such values as a common member name or group prefix, you are likely to display related or connected jobs. By contrast, if you filter only on a status such as Wait Schedule, you are likely to see completely unrelated jobs in the display. This, however, is still very valuable. An operator, for example, may need to check which jobs still have a Wait Schedule or a Wait Confirmation status.

    Multiple filtering criteria can be specified. All specified criteria must be satisfied. You can, for example, specify a filter on your Owner name and on a Wait Schedule status. This way, you can see only your jobs that are Waiting Scheduling.

    The filter window for filter IDGRP is currently displayed. You can, of course, close it without making changes. And, as mentioned above, you can make changes and either save them or keep them in memory.

    But you can also use this filter as the basis for another filter by making the desired changes and specifying a new name in the Filter field.

    You can define a new filter that shows only jobs with a group name prefix of IDGRP that have a Wait Schedule status. Name this filter IDWS, as described in the following steps.

  4. In the Filter field, change the name from IDGS to IDWS.
  5. Specify Y in the Save column.
  6. Change the description to read: GS-WAITSCHED.
  7. Leave the Group name value, IDGRP, unchanged.
  8. In the status sections leave the In Process value (Y) and the Wait Sched value (Y) unchanged. The Active Environment window will not show the jobs that are in Wait Schedule status if the jobs are waiting for a condition. So we must leave the Wait Cond unchanged as (Y). Similarly, if the jobs are waiting for anything else, we must leave the appropriate values (Y). Therefore the Wait time, Wait quant, and Wait contrl values must remain (Y). Also, leave all values in the State column unchanged.
  9. In the status sections, make the following changes:
    1. In the In Process column, change all values (except those of In Process, Wait Sched, Wait time, Wait Cond, Wait quant, and Wait contrl) to N.
    2. Change the Ended column header value to N.

    The window is displayed as follows. This illustration shows the changes from the previous filter indicated in bold.

    --------------------------- Show Screen Filter -----------------------(3.SHOW)-

    Filter IDWS       Save Y  (Y/N) Desc: GS-WAITSCHED                        


    Group   IDGRP                                                              

    ======== In Process Y ======= | Ended          N | ======= State Y ========


    Wait Sched   Y  Wait time   Y | Ended "OK"     Y | Free      Y  Forced OK Y

    Wait Conf    N  Wait Cond   Y | Not "OK"       Y | Held      Y  Tbl Held  Y

    Wait SUB     N  Wait quant  Y | Rerun          Y | On Req    Y  CMEM Forc Y

    Submitted    N  Wait contrl Y | Disappeared    Y | Deleted   N  Note      Y

    Wait Exec    N  Tbl Active  N | Abended        Y | Late      Y  Restarted Y

    Executing    N                | Unexpected CC  Y | Pseudo    Y             

    On Out Queue N                | JCL Error      Y |                        

    Task Type: Job Cyc Emr Stc Cst Est Ecj Ecs Wrn Tbl Tbc                     

                 Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y                     

    Res Name                                                                  

    Resource Type: In Y Out Y Conds Y Resource Y Control Y                     


    Odate:  From              To               Priority                        

    Job                       Appl                                             

    CPU Id           LPAR                                                      

    Sch Lib                                                                    


              OPt command toggles between Commands and Options display     11.07.49

  10. Press Enter to exit the window. The Active Environment screen is displayed with the newly defined filter.

    Filter: IDWS    * ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

    O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------

      IDJOB4   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                 

      IDJOB5   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                 

      IDJOB6   ID       020201                  JOB Wait Schedule                 

    ========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========

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Navigating The Active Environment