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Restarting the Job

  1. Enter option R (Rerun) for the job. Option R performs job rerun.

    However, as was discussed earlier, when restart instructions are defined in a DO IFRERUN statement, restart is performed when the job is run again.

    When a rerun is requested, a window is opened. The window is different for regular reruns and restart reruns. Because you defined a DO IFRERUN statement in the job scheduling definition, you see the Confirm Restart window:

    Figure 35 Confirm Restart Window

Filter: IDGS      ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------

R IDJOB5   ID       020201 M21     /29162   JOB Ended- Not "OK" Due to CC -   


========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>    |  Job    IDJOB5       Is to be Rerun  |  < ========

                           |  Please Confirm               (Y/N)  |          

                           |  With   Restart Y           (?/Y/N)  |          

                           |  ----------------------------------  |          

                           |  From Step/Proc S3       .           |          

                           |  To   Step/Proc          .           |          

                           |  Recapture  Abend  Codes      (Y/N)  |          

                           |  Recapture  Cond   Codes      (Y/N)  |          

                           |  Step  Adjustment             (Y/N)  |          

                           |  Restart Parm Member Name  IDJOB5    |          








Opt: ? Why L Log H Hold Z Zoom R Rerun A Activate O Force OK V View Sysout   

     N Net D Del F Free S Stat G Group U Undelete J JCL Edit C Confirm 15.46.06

In the top half of the window you see that

The bottom half of the window deals with restart information. In this exercise, you will only look at the first line, which tells you from which step, and to which step, the restart will be performed.

At this point, all you need to do is enter Y in the CONFIRM field, and the job will restart. However, you should not take that action at this time.

There might be instances in which you want the job to restart from a different step than the one determined by Control-M/Restart as the logical restart step. It is possible to change the FROM and TO steps in the Confirm Restart window. To facilitate this change, you can display the list of steps in the job.

Notice that ? is a valid value for the With Restart field. Entering ? displays the list of steps.

  1. Enter ? in the With Restart field. The Restart Step List window is opened over the Restart Window.

    Figure 36 Restart Step List Window

Filter: IDGS      ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------

R IDJOB5   ID       020201 M21     /29162   JOB Ended- Not "OK" Due to CC -


========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>    |  Job    IDJOB5       Is to be Rerun  |  < ========

                           |  Please Confirm               (Y/N)  |          

                           |  +----------- Control-R Step List ------------+  

                           |  |  Command ==>                               |  

                           |  |  O Num Pgm-stp  Proc-stp  Pgm=      Comp   |  

                           |  |    001 S1                 IOATEST   C0000  |  

                           |  |    002 S2                 IOATEST   C0000  |  

                           |  |    003 S3                 IOATEST   C0008  |  

                           |  |    004 S4                 IOATEST   C0000  |  

                           |  |    005 S5                 IOATEST   C0000  |  

                           +- |                                            |  

                              |                                            |  

                              |                                            |  

                              |                                            |  

                              |                                            |  

                              |  Opt:  F From  T To  O Only                |  


Opt: ? Why L Log H Hold Z Zoom R Rerun A Activate O Force OK V View Sysout   

     N Net D Del F Free S Stat G Group U Undelete J JCL Edit C Confirm 15.46.06

The Control-M/Restart Step List window sequentially lists all the steps in the job, assigning each of them a sequence number.

At the bottom of the window are three options that can be specified in the O (Option) field for the appropriate step:

You can specify option F for step S3, but this is not necessary, since that value is already indicated in the Restart Window. So just exit the Restart Step List window.

  1. Press PF03/PF15 to exit the Restart Step List window. The Restart Step List window is closed, and the Restart Window is displayed.
  2. Enter Y in the Please Confirm field. The Restart window is closed, and the rerun with restart now begins.

    Notice the progression of status changes for the job in the Active Environment screen. When the rerun with restart is complete, the job appears as shown below:

Filter: IDGS      ------- Control-M  Active  Environment ------ UP    <D> - (3)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ==> CRSR

O Name     Owner    Odate  Jobname  JobID   Typ ----------- Status ------------

  IDJOB5   ID       201200 M21     /29191   JOB Ended "OK" (Restarted) (Run 2)

                                                Prior Run: Ended- Not "OK" Due

                                                to CC - Rerun was Needed      

========= >>>>>>>>>>>>>        Bottom of Jobs List       <<<<<<<<<<<<< ========

Notice that there are two status descriptions for the job—each belonging to one of the runs:

You can now look at the message log for the restarted job.

  1. Call up the log of the job by entering L in the OPTION field. The Control-M Log screen is displayed for the job.

--------------------- LOG MESSAGES FOR JOB(S) IDJOB5   -----------------(3.LOG)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

SHOW LIMIT ON ==> USERID GROUP MEM/MIS                     DATE 020201 - 020201

DATE   TIME   ODATE  USERID   CODE    ------ M E S S A G E --------------------

020201 135255 020201 ID       CTM65AI JOB IDJOB5 OID=0008Y ODATE 020201 RERUN

                                      PERFORMED BY ID                        

020201 135256 020201 ID       SEL220I JOB IDJOB5 OID=0008Y WILL BE RERUN      

020201 135256 020201 ID       SEL203I JOB IDJOB5 OID=0008Y ELIGIBLE FOR RUN   

020201 135257 020201 ID       SUB133I JOB IDJOB5 M21 /08223 OID=0008Y         

                                      SUBMITTED FROM LIBRARY (P) CTMP.V610.JCL

020201 135311 020201 ID       CTR082I JOB IDJOB5 M21 /08223 OID=0008Y         

                                      RESTARTING FROM STEP S3 . TO STEP S5 .  

020201 135311 020201 ID       CTR066I JOB IDJOB5 M21 /08223 OID=0008Y NUMBER  

                                      OF SKIPPED STEPS 2 WITH A TOTAL ELAPSED

                                      TIME 00.00 CPU TIME 0MIN 00.36SEC       

020201 135311 020201 ID       SPY28GI JOB IDJOB5 M21 /08223 OID=0008Y TAPE   

                                      DRIVE UNITS USED=00 00                 

020201 135311 020201 ID       SPY281I JOB IDJOB5 M21 /08223 OID=0008Y START   

                                      01033.1352 STOP 01033.1353 CPU 0MIN     

                                      01.37SEC SRB 0MIN 00.07SEC 0.21 6AOS35  

020201 135311 020201 ID       SPY254I JOB IDJOB5 M21 /08223 OID=0008Y SCANNED

020201 135311 020201 ID       SEL208I JOB IDJOB5 M21 /08223 OID=0008Y ENDED   


CMDS: SHOW, GROUP, CATEGORY, SHPF                                      13.54.12

Notice the message SEL208I. This message indicates that the job ended "OK."

  1. Exit the Online facility.

    This completes the steps in this chapter of the Control-M for z/OS Getting Started Guide.

Parent Topic

Restarts under Control-M/Restart