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Checking the Sysout for the Job

If Control-M/Restart is installed at your site, and the SYSDATA for a job is automatically archived, you can view the Sysout for that job.

To do so, you must first specify option V (View Sysout) for the job, in the Active Environment screen. This option displays the Job Order Execution History screen, which, as its name indicates, displays the execution history of the job. From the list of job executions, you can decide the job for which you want to view the Sysout.

To see the Sysout of a particular run of the job, specify option S (Select) next to the specific job execution in the Job Order Execution History screen. The sysout for the job is then displayed in the Sysout Viewing screen.

Note: If Control-M/Restart is not operational at your site, or if SYSDATA is not archived, skip the remaining exercises in this section, and proceed to the topic "Holding and Deleting Active Environment Screen Job Orders" below.

Enter option V for job IDJOB1 to check the sysout of job IDJOB1.

The Job Order Execution History screen for IDJOB1 is displayed.

Figure 15 Job Order Execution History Screen

------------------------ JOB ORDER EXECUTION HISTORY ---------------------(3.V)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

MEMNAME IDJOB1     OWNER ID                         ORDERID 001S3  ODATE 020201


S M21      32166   020201 18:05    0:00 00003        ENDED "OK"              

======= >>>>>>>>>>> BOTTOM OF ACTIVE JOB ORDER HISTORY LIST <<<<<<<<<<< =======


















OPTION:   S SELECT                                                     02.52.14

The Job Order Execution History screen, and the Sysout Viewing screen shown below, are discussed in Navigating The Active Environment.

  1. Enter option S for the job run of IDJOB1 to request the desired Sysout.

    The Sysout Viewing screen is displayed. You can scroll down and up, and right and left, through the Sysout.

    Figure 16 Sysout Viewing Screen

    ------------- CONTROL-M/CONTROL-R SYSOUT VIEWING ------   PAGE      1 OF      3

    COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

    MEMNAME IDJOB1    OWNER ID          JOBNAME M21          ODATE 020201       


    1                      J E S 2  J O B  L O G  --  S Y S T E M  O S 3 5  --  N O


    18.05.20 JOB25002 ---- FRIDAY, 02 FEB 2001 ----                            

    18.05.20 JOB25002  IRR010I  USERID STCUSER  IS ASSIGNED TO THIS JOB.          

    18.05.20 JOB25002  ICH70001I STCUSER  LAST ACCESS AT 18:03:22 ON FRIDAY, FEBRU

    18.05.20 JOB25002  ICH70001I STCUSER  LAST ACCESS AT 18:03:22 ON FRIDAY, FEBRU

    18.05.20 JOB25002  $HASP373 M21      STARTED - INIT 3    - CLASS A - SYS OS35

    18.05.20 JOB25002  IEF403I M21 - STARTED - TIME=18.05.20                     

    18.05.20 JOB25002  -                                        CPU (Total)  Elapse

    18.05.20 JOB25002  -Jobname  Stepname ProcStep    RC    I/O  hh:mm:

    18.05.20 JOB25002  -ID       S1                   00      0       00.02       

    18.05.20 JOB25002  IEF404I ID   - ENDED - TIME=18.05.20                        

    18.05.20 JOB25002  -                                                          

    18.05.20 JOB25002  -M21      Job Service Totals           0       00.02       

    18.05.21 JOB25002  $HASP395 M21      ENDED                                   

    0------ JES2 JOB STATISTICS ------                                             

    -  02 FEB 2001 JOB EXECUTION DATE                                             

    -            8 CARDS READ                                                      

    -           44 SYSOUT PRINT RECORDS                                            

    COMMANDS: LEFT, RIGHT, FIND str, FIND str PREV, N n, P n, END          18.17.39

  2. Exit the Sysout Viewing screen, and then exit the Job Order Execution History screen, to the Active Environment screen.

Parent Topic

Introduction to the Active Environment Screen